Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Jun 1, 2014 11:33
hi all do u know why when any one get -1 (reputation
May 30, 2014 17:16
Got it values had spaces in database :D @second rikudo i guess it doesnt :p u r right anyways thank u for a response
May 30, 2014 17:10
my cities name are not sorting alaphabetically with order by city ASC any idea why not
May 15, 2014 16:02
Hello all i am getting a problem my one script is running like i want but it stops working like no error no inserting data indabase
May 11, 2014 15:22
@hamza thank You for link Hamza :)
May 11, 2014 15:21
@Hamza i understood you are talking abt function my sir told me to make my project in mysql (i told him i will use PDO as it is more recommended now)
May 11, 2014 15:18
May 11, 2014 15:18
@hamza my sir said ater givin me project to make it in mysql ..:(
May 11, 2014 15:15
@leri Thank God i am strong :) I am handling it fine and will Do more better :D
May 11, 2014 15:14
lol thank you Hamza yes before but i thugt (late ) i should close connection too I want to use mysql_close($connection); so can you tell :)
May 11, 2014 15:10
php rooom or gym training Room it is :p
Apr 22, 2014 22:36
Apr 22, 2014 22:30
lol rdlowrey
Apr 22, 2014 22:30
confusion is how to set week by week
Apr 22, 2014 22:29
@second Rikudo mind got cleared but logic is not :s
i have a max rating of a image but i want that to select it per week and so on like High rated model of the week
Apr 22, 2014 22:27
I want to clear my logic can anyone bear me to help :(
Apr 22, 2014 21:17
I check datepart and datesub function But not getting it :(
Apr 22, 2014 21:17
I have a question how to set up a week like i want to create a script for Model of week
Mar 17, 2014 20:36
hello how to get first inserted value of a field
Mar 14, 2014 22:31
user created album name - Serial No will be in ALbum and images will be in image table ...Now problem is that i need to check how many images are uploaded by user according to its membership plan (it is easy ) but i also need to know how much images are in one album ...for that .i made two foregin keys(album serial number and user id) in image table is it fine approach ?
Mar 14, 2014 22:31
hello Question i have three tables - register album and image. In my project i need to make three registration plans free premium and Gold and Image uploads depends on that like 5 images upload for free plan ,20 for premium ..unlimited for Gold ....Membership plan field is in register
Mar 13, 2014 15:18
okay thank you @danack and Nick tc
Mar 13, 2014 15:16
@nick Thankx for responsing i need to create a RATE par WEEK for images (u know like model of week thing
Mar 13, 2014 15:05
Hello All ...hmmm i need rate_date plus timestamp for that should i use timestamp or DATETIME ....what would be better choice :)?
Mar 12, 2014 18:23
nothin tc
Mar 12, 2014 18:20
@Peeha Sorry let me rephrase ..... I am making a photo album ......want to include comments too ........but i cant work out its logic how to make a relationship between image and comment :) i hope its better now
Mar 12, 2014 18:13
help in sense to clear my logic :)
Mar 12, 2014 18:11
Hello :) i am making a photo album where comments also included comments and images have different table but i cant make a logic how ...i have a thought that every image is particular so every user who will comment on that That comment will get a id or something need someone to help #Help :(
Mar 11, 2014 21:02
mine is alive a bit thank God ok Thankx again
Mar 11, 2014 21:00
Second Rikudo what php version i should Use ?
Mar 11, 2014 21:00
@second rikudo yes i tried javascript like that echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location.href = 'http://localhost/ourwork/photoshoot/new.php#close'; </script>";
May 11, 2014 15:06
@Fred -ii- i have aquestion can you help me
May 7, 2014 09:08
May 7, 2014 09:06
:) okay i thought so if it is working
May 7, 2014 09:05
sry really we can talk later if you want to sleep :) just give me a time
May 7, 2014 09:05
i wanted to ask is it okay in context to programming
May 7, 2014 09:04
instead header()
May 7, 2014 09:04
actually i am working on photoalbum website and i used echo "<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href= </script>" to direct
May 7, 2014 09:02
Thank You for coming :)
May 7, 2014 09:02


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Mar 24, 2014 21:59
hi all i need to know regex to check string contains onlly numbers and charactors
Mar 19, 2014 14:53
@florin ops sorry
Mar 19, 2014 14:50
@Florian i have a keyup jquery function
$("#albumname").keyup(function (e) { //user types albumname on inputfiled
var albumname = $(this).val();
var ID = $('#id').val();

i wonder if i am selecting two input values rightly
Mar 19, 2014 14:46
hello jquery question can be asked here ?
Mar 11, 2014 21:15
i didnt thank to u somekittens :p bananas not gonna help me modal->close(); is :p
Mar 11, 2014 21:13
@somekittens my brain is freezed due to my project simplify bananas lol
Thanks other
Mar 11, 2014 21:11
bananas ?
Mar 11, 2014 21:10
i want to close A Modal window how to do that in javascript
Mar 11, 2014 21:04
which is not working for my objective
Mar 11, 2014 21:03
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location.href = 'http://localhost/ourwork/photoshoot/new.php#close'; </script>";
i am working on a form after submittion i want to close that modal i used this any other way i can get that