Jul 21, 2020 17:05
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE They did fix something for me once, so there's that
Jul 6, 2020 19:10
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE Obviously the solution is to predict and preallocate memory for all errors
Jul 6, 2020 16:54
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE Probably the main design issue I've ever had with C# is something like dynamic, but it may just be adding the nuget package because it was added in 4.5 and requiring at least A version high enough that would have the functionality
Jul 6, 2020 16:43
Cool. I will play with it some tonight, so I don't just make noise here, but I have never used dynamic mostly because it isn't necessary in most C# things, so not sure why the need for it to cast a nullable int
Jul 6, 2020 16:40
Lovely because Netstadard 2.1 => Netcore 3.0 which is EOL
Jul 6, 2020 16:39
Sorry, I misread netstandard
Jul 6, 2020 16:38
Jul 6, 2020 16:38
It is in VS 2019 16.6
Jul 6, 2020 16:37
You have Net Core 3.1 SDK? I can't tell easily if 3.1 supports it, but since Blazor is heavily in development and such, probably have to be on the latest version from my experience with Xamarin
Jul 6, 2020 16:33
You are probably using VS 2017?
Jul 6, 2020 16:32
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE Probably depends on what version of VS you are using. If you select properties on the csproj file in VS, it should tell you what the target is
Jul 6, 2020 16:29
What version of NetCore if your blazor project running in, 2?
Jul 6, 2020 16:28
DLLs in NetCore are just the IL so probably not really the same as DLLs in other languages, even if they have the file extension
Jul 6, 2020 16:27
That sounds reasonable about dlls, though if CLR works on webasm, I guess the browser probably wouldn't let you run native unmanaged dlls from it's JS runtime
Jul 6, 2020 16:24
with Windows desktop runtime
Jul 6, 2020 16:24
I am working on WPF applications that are running on .NET Core 3
Jul 6, 2020 16:24
I think all the .NET stuff modern is open source. .Net Core 2/3 at leats
Jul 6, 2020 16:21
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE My vague impression from what I've read is server side is better supported than client-side
Jul 6, 2020 15:39
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE I'm in unfamiliar territory to some extent, but does this seem useful? github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime
Jul 6, 2020 15:32
maybe there is a web only target vs framework/core
Jul 6, 2020 15:31
Jul 6, 2020 15:29
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE Cool, I didn't get far with playing with Blazor yet. I'm not quite how C# would deal with unmanaged code in wasm. I've only used unmanaged stuff directly in console/desktop based applications. I can do some looking
Apr 17, 2020 00:17
If you spent as much time learning and using git as complaining about it, you might be further along
Apr 17, 2020 00:15
@iArnold I don't think maintaining file metadata like that would be that useful or maintainable. If you look at source code (such as opening a project folder in VS Code), you get no metadata. Filenames are it.
Apr 16, 2020 19:48
@iArnold Obviously
Apr 16, 2020 19:32
@iArnold Can you give an example of "the annoying github comment" that are you talking about?
Apr 16, 2020 13:25
IMO, there is no way to get around it but to spend the time and effort
Apr 16, 2020 13:24
The times I have looked at R3 / Ren-c source code, I didn't know what was going on, but was able to figure out after messing with it and jamming print statements and such here and there
Apr 16, 2020 13:21
I have to use Material Design Typescript sometimes which seems to be used everywhere, and the documentation is crap
Apr 16, 2020 13:21
@iArnold In my experience these kinds of guides don't really exist. Most guides are pretty shallow with Documentation that has giant holes in it. For programming language development, you just have to dig in and fight with it for the most part
Apr 15, 2020 00:30
@GrahamChiu You working for github these days?
Apr 10, 2020 18:38
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE Yes, hasn't worked for me in the last few days on Windows
Apr 10, 2020 16:41
The JSON document is like 4 years old, so maybe just changes to JSON lib
Apr 10, 2020 16:32
so I should say, it hasn't been modified to work with the changes to ren-c
Apr 10, 2020 16:32
although it did use to work
Apr 10, 2020 16:31
Yes, the json document has a lot of keys with spaces and I don't think the json lib accounts for those
Apr 10, 2020 15:22
Wasn't there something about words with spaces at some point?
Apr 10, 2020 15:20
I'll try to poke at it
Apr 10, 2020 15:20
Must be part of json lib
Apr 10, 2020 15:17
(that line is EOF) and not related to anything as far as I can tell. The error occurs on line 14 of scripter.reb and no other file has that many lines
Apr 10, 2020 15:14
(i) Info: use WHY for error information
** Script Error: contains invalid characters
** Where: to all to-word any either subparse subparse subparse subparse subparse subparse parse load-json do catch either else _ do console
** Near: [...
    to word! val ~~]
** File: scripter.reb
** Line: 328
Apr 10, 2020 15:14
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE is there an alternative theory (besides CR) about what constitues Invalid characters?
Apr 10, 2020 11:25
I was just using that build you had sent because it worked even after you made fixes
Apr 10, 2020 11:25
Yes, works
Apr 10, 2020 11:24
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE Gotcha. Looks like the prebuilt is working but i'll confirm when done
Apr 10, 2020 01:08
Dynamic extensions
Running: C:\Users\kealist\Documents\git\ren-cdir\ren-c3\prebuilt\r3-kealist.exe -qs /C/Users/kealist/Documents/git/ren-cdir/ren-c3/tools/make-natives.r
------ Generate tmp-natives.r
0 natives

------ Generate tmp-generics.r
Running: C:\Users\kealist\Documents\git\ren-cdir\ren-c3\prebuilt\r3-kealist.exe -qs /C/Users/kealist/Documents/git/ren-cdir/ren-c3/tools/make-headers.r
------ Building headers
Generating "Internal API" (via make-headers.r)
WRITING => /C/Users/kealist/Documents/git/ren-cdir/ren-c3/build/prep/include/tmp-internals.h
Apr 10, 2020 01:07
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE Looks like build is failing in prep right now
Apr 10, 2020 00:09
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE Awesome, let me see if it can point me to what is going on with the json file
Apr 9, 2020 00:25
I messed with it to get the build process working
Apr 9, 2020 00:23
Seems to take about 5 minutes to to-json the file