

Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Sep 29, 2015 21:24
Sep 29, 2015 21:23
Im going to figure it out. thanks guys for sound boarding with me
Sep 29, 2015 21:23
On the website, yes. From the API no
Sep 29, 2015 21:22
Sep 29, 2015 21:22
You have to do Oauth in order to get Profile data
Sep 29, 2015 21:22
thats what I was hoping for, but Curl doesn't work on retrieving information from LinkedIn
Sep 29, 2015 21:18
Oauth needs to use a callback url in order to verify. And then the user would have to click accept. I don't need people to click ok on my information. I just want them to see it
Sep 29, 2015 21:17
U see what I mean
Sep 29, 2015 21:16
I am trying to build my online portfolio and I want to pull from the LinkedIn and github api but I ve never done Oauth with Javascript
Sep 29, 2015 21:15
i figured that
Sep 29, 2015 21:15
Sep 29, 2015 21:14
thats a yes/no question?
Sep 29, 2015 21:13
is it possible to do Oauth authentication in the background of an app

Ruby :: Sometimes on Rails

The humane programming language. Be nice. Have fun. Lurkers...
Aug 28, 2015 16:36
does anybody know iF StringScanner class is included in ruby 2.1.5
Jun 30, 2015 16:03
I'm about to be
Jun 30, 2015 16:02
@WayneConrad some one posted a link on here to code wars
Jun 30, 2015 15:39
thank you guys for introducing me to code wars
Jun 30, 2015 15:38
Q: An Employee - Coworker shift relationship

Arnold_SandersI have two models that I need to Join. An employee model and a shift model. I first joined them by a 1-Many relationship. That worked for a while. Now I need to add the concept of a coworker. The shift will also be able to belong to a coworker. I am trying to implement it like this. Whats wrong...

Jun 26, 2015 02:27
alchemy cms?
Jun 26, 2015 02:27
anybody ever heard if alchemy cmd?
Jun 24, 2015 01:07
but there is no clear explanation of why not
Jun 24, 2015 01:07
it seems that all over the internet its common knowledge why you shouldn't do it.
Jun 24, 2015 01:06
im trying to understand why a person should not store, page elements in one table
Jun 24, 2015 01:05
does anybody know about alchemy cms
Jun 23, 2015 20:25
in rails, while building a cms
Jun 23, 2015 20:24
can someone explain why i should not store elements of an html page in one table
Jun 22, 2015 19:50
just wanted to let you know. Because I was stuck on that problem for the last 2 hours
Jun 22, 2015 19:49
His answer gave a hint, your answer solved the entire problem.
Jun 22, 2015 19:46
@ArupRakshit your answer solved my problem. thank you. I wanted to up vote it
Jun 22, 2015 19:45
hey @Aru
Jun 22, 2015 19:34
and then I want it to match for the desired days
Jun 22, 2015 19:34
the method will get a full week
Jun 22, 2015 19:33
so mon, sun will get passed in as desired_days
Jun 22, 2015 19:33
desired_days would be a user saying that they want mon. and sun.
Jun 22, 2015 19:31
because I want to pass in a variable as a method
Jun 22, 2015 19:30
get_days(1) { |x| x.y? || x.z? }
Jun 22, 2015 19:30
in this case will be
Jun 22, 2015 19:30
get_days(1) { |x| x.monday? || x.sunday? }
Jun 22, 2015 18:57
hello anybody here?