RegEx - Regular Expressions

Discuss about Regular Expressions. Learn at: Regular-Expressio...
Aug 21, 2016 14:07
@HamZa okay (?:...) to math everything enclosed thanks!!!
Aug 21, 2016 14:04
@HamZa I see
Aug 21, 2016 14:03
@HamZa I wanted to check if any of those, yes an OR
Aug 21, 2016 14:01
@HamZa any reason why (?!.*?xxx|yyy) is not working?
Aug 21, 2016 13:57
@HamZa I tried use the negative lookahead before, but I was using .+ between the groups... BTW, works perfect
Aug 21, 2016 13:50
@HamZa Oh I see... thanks! I'm going to test it
Aug 21, 2016 12:42
Let's suppose this:
[ID_12] bbb ccc
[ID_12] xxx ccc

I'd like to get the ID only if there's no xxx on the sentence...
I have something like this for getting the ID: `(\[ID_.*?\]).+ccc` and I also need to ensure that ccc is there
Any idea? Right know I'm doing it without Regex checking if the string does not contain xxx...
Aug 21, 2016 12:35
Hi all!


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Jun 17, 2016 22:55
I'm checking on"Learning JavaScript Design Patterns" one right now, is it good?
Jun 17, 2016 22:53
Hello! any book recommendation about javascript application design?


Android Learning
Sep 6, 2014 09:34

MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
Sep 3, 2014 10:27
Hi! @TehShrike
Aug 31, 2014 02:29
Well, I see i was missing the auto-incremental id's on some tables (because it was under construction haha) but on the image i sent you the tables coll_events_place and the other related with was the temporal places where an event just occur one time and don't have any other interest (the final user can search for the places or for the events). I'm in agree with you to unify the places, even with a type or something to distinct the 365 places from the others
Aug 31, 2014 02:18
Aug 31, 2014 02:18
I'll take you advice
Aug 31, 2014 02:17
aha, places should have multiple descriptions for each language, k_f is kids and family a filter, has_no_collaborator is if the place is from a table or another, because who introduces the places it's a 'collaborator'
Aug 31, 2014 02:14
Events has locations, the locations has photos and the photo description has languages
Aug 31, 2014 02:10
Aug 31, 2014 02:10
So, i'm doing it so wrong... :'( how should I design the tables of the image I send you
Aug 31, 2014 02:03
what's RSVPd?
Aug 31, 2014 02:03
well to distinct i'm using a boolean like outdor_location
Aug 31, 2014 01:50
I'll try to do it by the hardest way modificating all the code and db and tying to not die on the process haha, so there isn't any other middle efficient way to do it?
Aug 31, 2014 01:48
hypothetically yes, an theater can make an outdoor representation, but it isn't yet on the schema i send you.
Aug 31, 2014 01:40
I know... but the db is working online and full of places, and modify it is so hard
Aug 31, 2014 01:39
It looks more o less like this:
And on the table coll_events_related_places is where i'm stacked
Aug 31, 2014 01:29
Three main tables ( with the X_id as a primary key and AI)
Aug 31, 2014 01:28
Aug 31, 2014 01:28
so I have two tables Events, Places and the table of the expirable places
Aug 31, 2014 01:25
I don't want to save that information for long
Aug 31, 2014 01:25
exactly, mmm why not? the all year places hosts lots of events, and the others when the event has expired it will be marked to remove
Aug 31, 2014 01:22
occur on no specific*
Aug 31, 2014 01:21
@TehShrike in this case, I've a places pre-introduced (existing physically places, a theater that represents an opera every day) or a Festival that occur on specific place ( a place that will no have nothing else than this event)
Aug 31, 2014 01:17
@TehShrike Mmm and if have to relate an Event with two types of places (stored in two different tables). Is there some way to avoid to make a boolean to determinate which table I need to query ?
Aug 31, 2014 01:08
Answered! thank you very much!
Aug 31, 2014 01:03
thank's I'll do it with parent_event_id, it's better to make a relation to get the parent_event_id or i put just the int?
Aug 31, 2014 00:54
children can't have more than one parent, but a children could have subchildrens, let me check it...
Aug 31, 2014 00:47
@TehShrike i'm tying to do it with something like this
Aug 31, 2014 00:46
@TehShrike yes
Aug 31, 2014 00:44
@TehShrike i'm working on a new db design and I'm asking my self what's the best way to relate elements from the same table, for instance elements that have N subelements, events that have N subevents, and the events and subevents are exactly the same
Aug 31, 2014 00:41
@TehShrike are you here? :O
Aug 31, 2014 00:41
@TehShrike, at the end i changed the way to retrieve the information
Aug 30, 2014 11:21
hello @TehShrike
Aug 30, 2014 07:56
@TehShrike do you understand? :$
Aug 30, 2014 06:46
Yes in the previous query, I get check the month and year of the schedule and in the last one I have the id of the period for instance from 01-08-2014 to 31-08-2014 and in the other table I have the time_beg and time_end o every week number, and I just want to convert it to monday 1 09-00 to 12:00
Aug 30, 2014 06:38
@TehShrike hahah mmmm beerr :-D
Yes, the day number on a week, and assuming the year month are the current ones
Aug 30, 2014 06:34
@TehShrike thanks for answering me, you know how can I do what I'm trying to do?
Aug 30, 2014 06:32
there's someone that can help me with this query!2/4cd8d7/221

Basically Im trying to convert the day number to a date, for example today is the day 6, tomorrow 7 and 1,2,3,4,5
Aug 30, 2014 06:32
Aug 30, 2014 05:48


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Aug 30, 2014 05:52
hi! there's someone that can help me with this query!2/4cd8d7/221

Basically Im trying to convert the day number to a date, for example today is the day 6, tomorrow 7 and 1,2,3,4,5

help is appreciated :$