May 9, 2013 16:27
see ya
May 9, 2013 16:26
May 9, 2013 16:26
thanks for the help
May 9, 2013 16:25
but I will try it.
May 9, 2013 16:25
the demo is not there
May 9, 2013 16:25
May 9, 2013 16:24
Yea, I like javascript. When ever I get an answer, I study, it all round, and then try to do it myself
May 9, 2013 16:21
thanks for the help so far, I've accepted you
May 9, 2013 16:21
Yea, but still I like to see how every code works, so I can remake it and learn from it another time
May 9, 2013 16:19
Yea, jQuery is strange to me, I only want to use this with Ajax, and Js
May 9, 2013 16:17
can you point me to a good/easy tutorial?
May 9, 2013 16:17
yes, It is supposed to be a simple chat script, but I hate refreshing the page
May 9, 2013 16:15
@PatrickEvans are you there?
May 9, 2013 16:14
I thought ajax was supposed to get the data, instantlly without refreshing the page, but in this case, even when I add new text in the row, it does not show it, unless I refresh the page
May 9, 2013 16:13
I will fix that
May 9, 2013 16:12
Ok, no problem.
May 9, 2013 16:12
but, one BIG and FINAL question
May 9, 2013 16:11
So, How can I manipulate that strange text and echo the texts only??
May 9, 2013 16:10
that is what is in the database?
May 9, 2013 16:10
Yes, I think we are there!! I am getting [{"text":"chat one - hello biniam"},{"text":"chat 2 hi, semhar I am fine"},{"text":"chat 3, we missed you, where have you been"},{"text":"why"}]
May 9, 2013 16:09
so $data['text'] ?
May 9, 2013 16:08
My Full PHP code ^
May 9, 2013 16:08
	mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '') or die (mysql_error());
	mysql_select_db('test') or die (mysql_error());
	$query = "SELECT text FROM ajax";
	$data = array();
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row=mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
$data[] = $row;
     echo json_encode($result);
May 9, 2013 16:08
I'm getting Warning: json_encode(): type is unsupported, encoded as null in C:\wamp\www\Portal\TEST\ajax.php on line 10
May 9, 2013 16:06
@PatrickEvans are you there?
May 9, 2013 16:05
and NULL at the bottom
May 9, 2013 16:04
No, I just got Warning: json_encode(): type is unsupported, encoded as null in C:\wamp\www\Portal\TEST\ajax.php on line 6
May 9, 2013 16:03
	mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '') or die (mysql_error());
	mysql_select_db('test') or die (mysql_error());
	$query = "SELECT text FROM ajax";
	$result = mysql_query($query);
     echo json_encode($result);
May 9, 2013 16:03
changed my code to:
May 9, 2013 16:02
Just that
May 9, 2013 16:02
{"queryString":"SELECT text FROM ajax"}
May 9, 2013 16:00
So, how about in the above example ?
May 9, 2013 16:00
$query = 'SELECT text FROM ajax';
$stmt = mysql_query($query);
May 9, 2013 15:59
you can thing of $stmt as a mysql $result array
May 9, 2013 15:58
     $conn = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost; dbname=test', 'root', '');

     $stmt = $conn->query("SELECT text FROM ajax");
     echo json_encode($stmt);

<script type='text/javascript'>
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', "", false);
        if (request.readyState==4 && request.status==200)
             var data = JSON.stringify(request.responseText); //The data from the server will be in responseText
May 9, 2013 15:58
this is my whole code
May 9, 2013 15:58
I appreciate it
May 9, 2013 15:58
Thanks btw
May 9, 2013 15:57
I changed the URL btw:
May 9, 2013 15:57
I am on localhost btw: localhost/Portal/Test/ajax.php
May 9, 2013 15:57
What does this mean? {"queryString":"SELECT text FROM ajax"} I am getting that in my browser.
May 9, 2013 15:57
It is pure text, so how do I assing the url? Sorry, for the noob question. Just show me that one, and I'll stop bothering you
May 9, 2013 15:57
I tried your code, although I undestood some of the mistakes I've made, but I did not get the script to work. Nothing is being desplayed: btw: I replaced all my ajax script with mine.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
May 7, 2013 15:36
thanks guys, I will do this tomorrow. Can you help me, which I need to learn about JS to manipulate user inputs
May 7, 2013 15:34
thanks anyway though
May 7, 2013 15:34
Wow, that is y he is downgraded from === to ==
May 7, 2013 15:33
@GNi33 == Legend!!
May 7, 2013 15:33
@GNi33 it is a bit cracky though, because It deletes two characters so if you were to type sas it will delete everything withing two backspace strokes
May 7, 2013 15:30
May 7, 2013 15:30
thanks a million man.