Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Feb 10, 2020 10:36
I think it's indeed safe to say that it comes by many names :)
Feb 10, 2020 10:36
they call it a junction table
Feb 10, 2020 10:32
@NafiuLawal thanks
Feb 10, 2020 10:00
Hi, quick question. If you have tables A and B, and you have the table that links them together (a_id, b_id), what is the name for such a table?

I know the dutch word we use for it, but we're having discussion about the english name. So far we've got linktable or pivottable
Sep 10, 2019 12:28
thanks :)
Sep 10, 2019 12:28
yeah, thats what we're going for
Sep 10, 2019 12:23
Sorry, I was hoping there would be a more generic answer, which wouldn't need real code :)
Sep 10, 2019 12:23
Its a Interface class for the User class, haha
Sep 10, 2019 12:22
and the userinterface the actual code
Sep 10, 2019 12:22
Yeah, the foo was an example :)
Sep 10, 2019 12:21
Yeah, but it's a UserInterface, it really cant me falsey :)
Sep 10, 2019 12:19
something to show team members to read
Sep 10, 2019 12:19
with an example of some sorts :)
Sep 10, 2019 12:19
yeah thanks, I'm aware of those :) Im looking for specific reason why to do $foo!==null
Sep 10, 2019 12:14
Is there any documentation about this which I can read? Or s searchterm for this
Sep 10, 2019 12:13
Question: Say you have a function with a nullable input $foo. I can check `if($foo){}`, but someone once told me to user zif($foo !== null){}`.

Is there a reason for that? I cant find documentation. You may assume ?string, only expected inputs.
Feb 15, 2019 09:07
It's not really worth that amount of effort, but not a bad solution. Im gonna place it as comment in the function
Feb 15, 2019 09:03
Shame. I actually would've liked this. More often than just today. You own code can be changed to optional params last, but others' libraries cant
Feb 15, 2019 08:59
Bummer. If the other code ever updates, I've hardcoded everything. Well, such is life, thanks
Feb 15, 2019 08:55
It's a function with many more params, which isnt mine so I canbt change it. I need to set the first four, maybe number 7, maybe number 8. So something like USE_DEFAULT would've been nice
Feb 15, 2019 08:53
Hello, quick question:

function example($foo=true, $bar=false){}

I'd like to input something for $bar, and keep $foo at its default value. I can not change the method, I prefer not to 'hardcode' true as first value.

example(SOMETHING_HERE, true);


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
May 13, 2019 14:35
Nope. If it helps:
May 13, 2019 14:26
Ill try
May 13, 2019 14:19
<VirtualHost *:443>
  DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
  DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
May 13, 2019 14:17
without error. Im not sure wether the conf is the problem, but Im not sure how to check what is
May 13, 2019 14:16
I have restarted by apache2 service
May 13, 2019 14:05
I tried setting my sites-enabled/ to have a documentroot with /build included (and i've tried /public) but that doesnt work
May 13, 2019 14:04
I have done a build and have a resulting /build with contents
May 13, 2019 14:04
Im trying to deploy a ReactJS site online. Locally, it works via localhost:3000, but online I want it to listen to However, I'm getting a directory listing
May 13, 2019 14:03
Hi, anyone here?
Jan 17, 2019 10:14
semi seriues scifi, semi comedy. IMO quite a good balans between the both, I enjoyed watching it :)


this.setState({ status: 'open', description: 'React talk ...' });
May 13, 2019 14:27
I have no controllers :) It's react only
May 13, 2019 14:18
<VirtualHost *:443>
  DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
  DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
May 13, 2019 14:17
I hav restarted apache2 service without error. I think the conf is fine, copied it from a working project
May 13, 2019 14:16
Im trying to deploy a ReactJS site online. Locally, it works via localhost:3000, but online I want it to listen to However, I'm getting a directory listing
I have done a build and have a resulting /build with contents
I tried setting my sites-enabled/ to have a documentroot with /build included (and i've tried /public) but that doesnt work
May 13, 2019 14:02
Hi, anyone here?

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Apr 30, 2019 18:05
lol, the str-slice function is 1-indexed?
Apr 30, 2019 18:03
coming from actual programming, SASS if kinda fun, but it does have limits :')
Apr 30, 2019 18:01
it's pretty fugly, but I can then do #{$test}{ my: stuff; }
Apr 30, 2019 18:00
fwiw, this seems to work too:

@for $i from 1 through $gridSize {
$test: $test + '.A'+$i+',.B'+$i+',.C'+$i+',';
Apr 30, 2019 17:58
it very well might
Apr 30, 2019 17:58
But it's a custom grid. So giving all wrapping elements an extra class would be a bit tedious
Apr 30, 2019 17:57
I would agree normally
Apr 30, 2019 17:56
I want this part: ` .A1, .A2, .A3, .B1, .B2, .B3, .C1, .C2, .C3` via a loop or something :)
Apr 30, 2019 17:55
In my example I used 1/2/3, but it goes up to twelve for A,B and C
Apr 30, 2019 17:52
Hello. I'm trying something in SASS, but not sure wether it's possible. I want it to create multiple selecters:

.A1, .A2, .A3, .B1, .B2, .B3, .C1, .C2, .C3{
allProperties: theSame

friendly bin

To all loving Room Owners If you want to remove message and don'...
Apr 3, 2019 15:39
Wrong chat, sorry
Apr 3, 2019 15:39
Oh, Im not looking for shell programming, just ubuntu help :')
Apr 3, 2019 15:38