Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Dec 31, 2016 18:34
Anyone know how to make this query work? select *, (select count(*)
from comments
where userid = :userid) as total
from comments
LEFT JOIN members on comments.userid = members.userid
where networkid = :netid
GROUP BY comments.postedat desc
Dec 31, 2016 16:09
Anyone care to explain how I can get this select, count and left join query to work?

select *, (select count(*) from comments where userid = :userid) as total LEFT JOIN members on comments.userid = members.userid where networkid = :netid GROUP BY comments.postedat desc
Dec 18, 2016 16:53
Hi I would like to know my possibilities of sorting an array structured like this:

$arr = array('name'=>$name,'id'=>$id, 'rating'=>$rating);

I would like to sort the rating part of the array, should I instead convert it as a multi-dimensional array and use the $arr index as the id or is there a way to sort by rating with the code mentioned above?
Dec 8, 2016 16:34
Obviously there is more to it but I would like to be able to add user feedback
Dec 8, 2016 16:34
My goal is to be able to display user feedback when a youtube channel is created but no videos are public
Dec 8, 2016 16:25
Anyone know how to deal with Youtube Api if a channel exists but no videos are uploaded?
Dec 8, 2016 13:57
@iroegbu Which is better for efficiency?
Dec 8, 2016 13:46
@JayIsTooCommon Thats what I thought as it breaks normalisation however I am wanting the data to be filtered by this particular average
Dec 8, 2016 13:36
If I were to implement a liking system should I just calculate the average likes to dislikes and work out the average in PHP or should I create a column on the item I want to have the average likes and update that column every now and then to represent its average likes?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Dec 19, 2016 00:54
I fixed it. Thanks for the help. I was passing it through a function called array so I thought the global array called array was getting filled however I was wrong. Made ajax success fill the array instead of carrying over via parameter
Dec 19, 2016 00:49
A function should be able to access it right?
Dec 19, 2016 00:49
Do you know why my way isn't working?
Dec 19, 2016 00:48
So I can create my own method regarding to the array?
Dec 19, 2016 00:46
removing var should allow the array to be global? The array data is filled up via Ajax
Dec 19, 2016 00:45
Yes however the buildTable is a separate function
Dec 19, 2016 00:39
I have an array of arrays defined at the start of my page however further down I have created a function which takes in a property. This property is one the properties of the array. An example would be name. In a table, I use the onclick method to force this function which takes in name to sort the array. However the array cannot been seen within the function. I have tried removing var to make it a global array however I cannot seem to get it work. Wanting a dynamic sorting function on all heade

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Nov 29, 2016 19:47
I was deleting them prior to me updating the erase method
Nov 29, 2016 19:36
I think it was left from my attempt much earlier in the methods timescale. However removing it has seemed to fix it
Nov 29, 2016 19:32
So when it is completely empty the first element is set to null
Nov 29, 2016 19:24
I suppose. Could you help me with my logic. Once an element is deleted I want to iterate through the array after the index of the deleted element so I can push back each element to reduce the size of an array.

    		int keyIndex = find_if(0, size(), key);
    		for (int i = 0; i <= size(); i++) {
    			if(size() != 1){
    				for (int j = keyIndex; j < size() - 1; ++j) {
    					arrOfData[j] = arrOfData[j + 1];
    				//Reduces The Size Of The Array

Nov 29, 2016 18:45
You must be very passionate about it to spend your free time helping others. You should teach people via sites such as YouTube and maybe make some money from it. Have you thought of that?
Nov 29, 2016 18:39
so there is no issue with my implementation? Maybe I misunderstood my professor. Thanks for helping me out earlier by the way, do you do this as a job?
Nov 29, 2016 18:20
That is not generic correct
Nov 29, 2016 18:20
:34322667 I've currently got

//Takes In The Given Value And Compares It To The Objs Actual Real Value For Both Variables
bool operator==(const student& os, const student& obj){
	return (os.getGrade() == obj.getGrade()) && (os.getName() == obj.getName());
Nov 29, 2016 18:07
Creating a == operator overload for a particular class is considered not generic right so how would I go about doing a comparison with a class which doesn't have a == operator
Nov 29, 2016 16:55
Should it not iterate through only the pointers stored
Nov 29, 2016 16:52
There should only be three as there is only three elements in the array
Nov 29, 2016 16:49
I use

for (; first != last; ++first){
cout << first << endl;
if (is_condition_matched(first, comparison)){
cout << "Found It" << endl;
return first;

And it iterates many addresses before it finishes
Nov 29, 2016 16:48
So I can iterate through using begin() and end() instead of going through index?
Nov 29, 2016 16:46
Should I change the data type of Node so that KeyDataType and DataDataType both create another class and would this keep all instances of node at the same size?
Nov 29, 2016 16:39
arrOfData is the array of pointers
Nov 29, 2016 16:35
So node has its datatypes which increases the size
Nov 29, 2016 16:34
Actually it must be because it is an array of pointers of node not an array of pointers pointing to each node
Nov 29, 2016 16:34
They do not seem to be. 01136FD0, 01131510. They are initalised like this: Node<KDT, DDT>** arrOfData = new Node<KDT, DDT>*[max_size];

That means an array of pointers correct?
Nov 29, 2016 16:26
I think you've helped me succeed, the only issue I have now is that the iteration does not iterate the right amount in terms of addresses
Nov 29, 2016 16:25
template<typename KDT, typename DDT>
bool Map<KDT, DDT>::is_condition_matched(Node<KDT, DDT>* address, KDT comparison){
	return (address->returnKey() == comparison);

template <typename KDT, typename DDT>
Node<KDT, DDT>* Map<KDT, DDT>::find_if(Node<KDT, DDT>* first, Node<KDT, DDT>* last, KDT comparison){
	for (; first != last; ++first){
		cout << first << endl;
		if (is_condition_matched(first, comparison)){
			cout << "Found It" << endl;
			return first;
	return last;
Nov 29, 2016 16:24
The assignment is only about our own custom map. So creating the method within the map is fine I think.

I have many instances of map which takes many types of datatypes such as int, int.

double, student. ect. The assignment is more focused on the map and its methods. However apparently I wrote the find method in a non generic way
Nov 29, 2016 16:20
I don't think it says anything regarding where it should be, I just thought it makes sense being in there and being a method of map?
Nov 29, 2016 16:17
well actually whever the if statement is, I think I understand a little more
Nov 29, 2016 16:16
Thanks and I would put the templated condition in main
Nov 29, 2016 16:16
//Begin Const Iterator. Read Only Iterator To Give Starting Position Of Array.
Node<KDT, DDT>* begin() const {
return arrOfData[0];
//End Const Iterator. Read Only Iterator To Give Ending Position Of Array.
Node<KDT, DDT>* end() const {
return arrOfData[0] + curr_size;

00E86FA0 (First element)
00E81510 (Second)

Node<KDT, DDT>* Map<KDT, DDT>::find_if(Node<KDT, DDT>* first, Node<KDT, DDT>* last, KDT comparison){
for (; first != last; ++first){
cout << first << endl;
return last;
Nov 29, 2016 16:11
Okay I think I understand a little. Within the find_if statement I iterate through the array using the begin() and end() method I created however when I display the contents of what the addresses are the values do not match up.
Nov 29, 2016 16:09
I've just clicked on about template functions,
Nov 29, 2016 16:08
How should I set up the parameters and such in terms of the is_failed_student parameter
Nov 29, 2016 16:04
But by doing this I would have to write one for each datatype I use. But this is still not generic so I honestly don't understand what should be done
Nov 29, 2016 16:04
You see my issue. I do not understand what he means because I need to add a comparison condition to student so it knows how to deal with the find_if condition when it looks for a key.
Nov 29, 2016 16:02
Sorry, I know you're gaping information and it can be hard to judge exactly what I am trying to do
Nov 29, 2016 16:02
The pointers in which I am using holds KDT key, and DDT data.
Nov 29, 2016 16:01
returnKey is a method in Node
Nov 29, 2016 16:01
However I am not sure how to implement this and I am unsure how me making this find_if method will effect normal datatypes such as int, double because they will not have a comparison method so my Ideas was to somehow explicitly state that if it is student use the comparison method