C stands for Control.
Oct 4, 2015 11:44
Ok, it doesn't.
Oct 4, 2015 11:34
I have:
int a = 5;
int *ptr = NULL;
int **ptr_ptr = &ptr;

Will this work:
int *other = *ptr_ptr;
other = &a;

same as this:
(*ptr_ptr) = &a;
Oct 4, 2015 11:33
\o Stupid question:


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
May 29, 2015 19:50
Thanks for that.
May 29, 2015 19:45
and while is endlessly stuck with n being 0
May 29, 2015 19:45
args.checkByteArray(0) returns byte[]
May 29, 2015 19:44
Deflater deflater = new Deflater();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(512);
byte[] buffer = new byte[512];
while(!deflater.finished()) {
  int n = deflater.deflate(buffer);
  baos.write(buffer, 0, n);
May 29, 2015 19:42
Hello. I am using Deflater in JDK8. It looks like Deflater#finished() always returns false. Even when returned output size is 0.
Am I misreading JavaDoc or something is going wrong?