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This room is now defunct. RIP.
May 9, 2015 22:32
Probably shouldn't put them on different lines then
May 9, 2015 22:30
@Worf Holy crap.
May 9, 2015 22:29
Does anyone know what causes this extra whitespace in ASP.NET MVC?


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Oct 31, 2014 16:35
If I wanted to parse a SQL query using C# in order to perform some optimizations on the query, do I need to make a grammar or does someone know another way?


A friendly room for discussing XAML based technologies. Our Co...
Aug 6, 2014 19:52
Lol well luckily I have achieved full control of this project. My users are still thanking me for giving them something other than a terminal
Aug 6, 2014 19:50
@ReedCopsey Agreed. It will be fairly restricted to one or two templates they have to choose from.
Aug 6, 2014 19:47
@ReedCopsey Well now I'm excited. No more hard coding every little change someone needs. They can do it themselves.
Aug 6, 2014 19:41
Recommendations? JSON?
Aug 6, 2014 19:41
Kinda lets them build their own UI to a limited degree.
Aug 6, 2014 19:40
Guys, I want to run something by you all. I read in an xml file at execution (for persistence) that has a bunch of custom controls defined. I.e., properties, types. I manually build all of the controls and setup their bindings. Then I would allow the user to modify these custom controls from within the app (modifies the xml file). Doable?
Aug 6, 2014 19:36
Well, I'll be damned. I didn't know that.
Aug 6, 2014 19:35
Qt + Visual C++?
Aug 6, 2014 19:35
:O Are you saying I'd have to compile from the command line?!?!
Aug 6, 2014 19:33
@ReedCopsey Well I defer to your knowledge then. I didn't spend enough time with Qt to get a good feel. I just felt the documentation and IDE was very poor.
Aug 6, 2014 19:32
it'd be easy to think it's outdated
Aug 6, 2014 19:32
There quite a few old posts on StackOverflow (that are still relevant)
Aug 6, 2014 19:31
Aug 6, 2014 19:31
Not sure which I detest more: Qt or Java.Swing
Aug 6, 2014 19:31
I have also played with Java.Swing
Aug 6, 2014 19:30
When i ran from Qt, I looked at WinForms, but when I did, everything I read told me to just use WPF
Aug 6, 2014 19:30
I tried Qt and I had seen WinForms
Aug 6, 2014 19:29
I didn't communicate well with that statement. I meant to say that @ReedCopsey seems like he understands things better than most with WPF so when he says he wishes things were different, that's because he understands the limits.
Aug 6, 2014 19:28
I haven't seen anything better.
Aug 6, 2014 19:27
@NETscape Sorry?
Aug 6, 2014 19:26
I don't understand WPF well enough to critique or push one of it's boundaries
Aug 6, 2014 19:25
Reed, most people aren't like you though
Aug 6, 2014 19:25
Every problem I ever have with WPF is my fault.
Aug 6, 2014 19:24
I just love it
Aug 6, 2014 19:24
You don't
Aug 6, 2014 19:23
Good luck man
Aug 6, 2014 19:22
Aug 6, 2014 19:20
He said it's only this checkbox/textbox pair that is breaking
Aug 6, 2014 19:19
That works.
Aug 6, 2014 19:17
check the value of "value"
Aug 6, 2014 19:16
@MarkRichman, can you try something for me? Remove all the Trigger stuff (take it back to the way you had it) and then remove the IsEnabled binding on the TextBox. Then breakpoint inside the ConnectToExistingMainDb setter and check the value
Aug 6, 2014 19:14
Aug 6, 2014 19:13
Mark can you post both the relevant View and ViewModel code together once more?
Aug 6, 2014 19:13
@NETscape Can you set the binding to TwoWay to not break the binding?
Aug 6, 2014 19:11
Aug 6, 2014 19:10
Aug 6, 2014 19:05
@MarkRichman Get it working?
Aug 6, 2014 18:54
This checkbox thing?
Aug 6, 2014 18:54
Lol don't man, this is just a slight learning curve
Aug 6, 2014 18:50
I believe that's kinda the behavior he wanted but the end result in both cases should be the same.
Aug 6, 2014 18:49
You'll need to modify that to point at the checkbox
Aug 6, 2014 18:49
Q: WPF TextBox trigger to clear Text

PaN1C_Showt1MeI have many TextBox controls and I'm trying to write a style that clears the Text property when the Control is disabled. I don't want to have Event Handlers in code behind. I wrote this: <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}"> <Style.Triggers> <Trigger Property="IsE...

Aug 6, 2014 18:48
The Textbox is going to kinda bind to the Checkbox
Aug 6, 2014 18:47
Aug 6, 2014 18:47