Can someone help me a bit? I am having some troubles creating a new file in /sdcard/
@AdilSoomro I didn't had any problems until now, and my project has 300 class and more than 70 layouts. I understand what you mean. If I change that id "@+f_tarifasID/cab_precio" to "@+ID/cab_precio", still shows me an error with new ID. If i delete that field from layout, still shows me the same error.
@PiyushMishra I know mate, i didn't changed anything from, if you give an id from your layout like "id:"@+blabla/nameone", generates automatically a final class named blabla with nameone within in, do you know what I mean?
@chintankhetiya If you read my post, I only need the-else-part from your link... And I have the same in my code. I'm having troubles with read/write permissions.