@Neil Well ys, i tried with FileReader whic hseems to be able to do it reader.readAsText(blob, 'iso-8859-1'); Altho, storing the result from that into a blob and then downloading it still makes it UTF-8
@Neil I have tried converting the data, but the file seems to still get saved with UTF-8 encoding. Yes, a program that will import the file requires it to be iso-8856-1
If a element has a onblur attribute with a function call, plus a eventlistener ($("#element").on('blur', 'button', function....)') which calls a function - Is there any way to make the onblur-attribute function fire first?
Like between upgrades, i want to merge the app.config data that exist at a customer computer, with the new possibly added config data from the updated version
What is the best way to handle upgrades of applications that uses app.config files? I know there exist upgrade()-method for User scope settings, but what about application scope setings?