Sep 8, 2020 07:04
Ok, I will try to play with it in the evening, and see if i can figure something out
Sep 7, 2020 06:21
could you possibly upload the lottie json? I will try it in my dev env, and see if there is anything can be done
Sep 7, 2020 06:21
and you're positive the padding comes from the lottie view and not the parent of the lottie view? or the parent of the parent ?
Sep 7, 2020 06:21
see updated answer
Sep 7, 2020 06:21
please try on the lottie view instead of layout_width="match_parent" to put layout_width="0dp" and the same for layout_height. It should force the constraint layout to calculate the correct size
Sep 7, 2020 06:21
why did you put android:adjustViewBounds="true" ?
Sep 7, 2020 06:21
please show the XML of the parent
Feb 25, 2020 08:33
please give me exact path link, i cant find it
Feb 22, 2020 07:22
can you tell me exactly where to find it ?
Feb 22, 2020 07:22
I can't find this class
Feb 22, 2020 07:22
can you please be more specific, which class names you are referring to ?
Feb 22, 2020 07:22
if you have another class that uses this class, and you want to test that, there would be some tests. Could you post the class that uses this data class so i can give an example?
Feb 22, 2020 07:22
If this class had an implementation, it would make sense, but this class seems to not have more than the default implementation that kotlin generates during build
Feb 24, 2020 07:40
String decryptString = new String(cipher.doFinal(decodedResult), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
Feb 24, 2020 07:40
you need to pass decodedResult into
Feb 24, 2020 07:40
you are decrypting the key, rather than the apiResponse
Feb 24, 2020 07:40
and then
String decryptString = new String(cipher.doFinal(byteArray), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
Feb 24, 2020 07:40
see that you are doing
byte[] byteArray = key.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
Feb 24, 2020 07:39
this is your code
Feb 24, 2020 07:39
//Convert key To Byte Array
byte[] byteArray = key.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

//Decode API response using Base64 decoder
byte[] decodedResult = Base64.decode(apiResponse, Base64.NO_WRAP);

//get first 16 byte from decodedResult
byte[] first16ByteArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(decodedResult, 0, 16);

//get after 16 byte from decodedResult
byte[] after16ByteArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(decodedResult, 16, decodedResult.length);

IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec = new IvParameterSpec(first16ByteArray);
Feb 24, 2020 07:30
so you want to write in SecretKeySpec and whatever was there before ?
Feb 24, 2020 07:25
which error are you getting ?
Feb 24, 2020 07:25
var msgByteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
msgByteArray = Hex.toArray(encHex);

return msgByteArray.toString();
Feb 24, 2020 07:23
Feb 24, 2020 07:17
flex code ?
Feb 24, 2020 07:17
2. Your code is still not correct, could you roll it back to the previous version, and we'll discuss it ?
Feb 24, 2020 07:16
1. if the IV was added to the encrypted message, if it was you need to remove it
Feb 24, 2020 07:16
The IV may be correct, but you need to know the following things
Feb 24, 2020 07:16
currently you pass to the doFinal the key, rather than the apiResponse
Feb 24, 2020 07:16
You need to ask whomever gave you the encrypted message to also give you the IV
Feb 24, 2020 07:16
are the first 16 bytes added to the message after the encryption ?
Jan 22, 2020 22:21
if you still need help, feel free to ping me with a comment on the post, or here, i'll see it and try to help
Jan 22, 2020 22:19
because they will be grouped by user (there is an option to search all crashes by userid or user email)
Jan 22, 2020 22:19
so that you can see how often said user gets the crash
Jan 22, 2020 22:19
tell crashlytics some identifying property of the user (userid, or email)
Jan 22, 2020 22:19
also - if your privacy policy permits it
Jan 22, 2020 22:18
make sure your events are as informative as possible
Jan 22, 2020 22:18
perhaps find the one that is used by firebase
Jan 22, 2020 22:17
and it just picks whatever it was doing when it crashed to give you the stack trace
Jan 22, 2020 22:17
it is very possible you have some race condition somewhere
Jan 22, 2020 22:17
i could not figure out how to reproduce the error, but with the crashlytics crash logs (that i manually put in), you get about 20+ steps of what the user did that led up to the crash
Jan 22, 2020 22:16
i used this technique once to find a ghost crash when user opened app from notification
Jan 22, 2020 22:16
you should have a trace of what the user did before
Jan 22, 2020 22:16
when the app crashes
Jan 22, 2020 22:16
and upload this version to your users
Jan 22, 2020 22:16
well i suggest you do the following: The fix is not immediate.
go all over your code and write Crashlytics.log ( user clicked this)
and all kinds of user events.
Don't forget the push notifications
Jan 22, 2020 22:11
it falls on the emulator ?
Jan 22, 2020 22:10
is there maybe a bigger stack trace ?
Jan 22, 2020 22:09
do you have stack traces for those ?