Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Apr 14, 2013 20:09
@crypticツ Alright thanks for the help. Much appreciated
Apr 14, 2013 20:08
@crypticツ @NickFury any advice on how to put <?php


?> right at the top of my code without messing up the way it is at the moment?
Apr 14, 2013 20:07
@crypticツ ok, thanks for that, will work on it now
Apr 14, 2013 20:07
@NickFury The code is ok on my notepad++. It prob jus messed up when i pasted it to pastebin
Apr 14, 2013 20:04
@crypticツ I tried that but it also gave me an error, but let me try it again and get back to you
Apr 14, 2013 20:02
Apr 14, 2013 20:01
@crypticツ ok I've done that
Apr 14, 2013 19:46
@crypticツ Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bfsonntn/public_html/test.php:6) in /home/bfsonntn/public_html/test.php on line 50

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/bfsonntn/public_html/test.php:6) in /home/bfsonntn/public_html/test.php on line 50
Apr 14, 2013 19:43
@crypticツ I've also looked at that post but I don't know where I'm going wrong. Plus the line where it displays an error for my code has no spaces or output. Could I please show you my code to take a quick look?
Apr 14, 2013 19:41
@crypticツ Yes it is
Apr 14, 2013 19:36
I've checked all the fixes for my code: I've removed all the spaces in the code and saved as UTF-8 without BOM but I still have the same error on my site
Apr 14, 2013 19:35
hi guys after uploading my website i keep getting the following errors: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie AND Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limite
Mar 20, 2013 19:22
Anyone up for a private chat to help me fix my php session code which queries mysql database to retrieve the user's info after they login
Mar 20, 2013 19:08
@Happyninja Well I've been struggling with this code for days even if I know it should be really easy
Mar 20, 2013 19:07
@Happyninja do you know of any website or blog where I can post my code to be fixed apart from stackexchange?
Mar 20, 2013 19:06
@Happyninja no, no luck at all
Mar 20, 2013 18:28
@Happyninja noted
Mar 20, 2013 17:50
I did that already. Previously I was doing: if (!isset($_SESSION)){
}.....But now Im just using session_start();
Mar 20, 2013 17:48
@Happyninja Yes I understand
Mar 20, 2013 17:46
@Happyninja that's why I'm just using sessions, I won't be setting a cookie at all
Mar 20, 2013 17:46
@Happyninja Very true, I will keep at it though...I'm a bit rusty when it comes to PHP, I guess that's why I'm having these problems. And I will definitely not want to store the UserID in a cookie either
Mar 20, 2013 17:43
@Happyninja Yeah, that's true. But when I started on this code I thought it will just be as easy as storing the UserID in a session in the login page, then using the UserID in the database to select any other fields I wanted to display in the landing page
Mar 20, 2013 17:39
@Happyninja because maybe it's just a bit confusing to me
Mar 20, 2013 17:38
@Happyninja Is there a way to do it without using session var though?
Mar 20, 2013 17:31
@Happyninja The var is declared. It still gave an error
Mar 20, 2013 17:30
@Happyninja from what I understand, all I need to do to display stuff from my database is store the user id into session during login and the run a query like:

"select * from `users` whereUserID='".$_SESSION['UserID']."'"
Mar 20, 2013 17:28
@Happyninja The var is giving me a variable undeclared error
Mar 20, 2013 17:27
@Happyninja I'm still wondering what I could be doing wrong here
Mar 20, 2013 17:26
It runs normally but doesn't display
Mar 20, 2013 17:26
No errors
Mar 20, 2013 17:25
@Happyninja still no luck here. I still can't get anything from my database
Mar 20, 2013 17:06
@Happyninja ok, I will try that out
Mar 20, 2013 17:05
@Happyninja and at the point where the user logs in, this is what I did: <?php
Mar 20, 2013 17:04
Mar 20, 2013 17:04
@Happyninja will it be possible if you show me a sample?Like how to name my session var and where I should put in dump_var($_SESSION); Right now this is what I have in my code: <?php

mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); // Connect to database server(localhost) with root .
mysql_select_db("registrations") or die(mysql_error()); // Select registration database.

if (!isset($_SESSION)){
Mar 20, 2013 17:00
@crypticツ and @Happyninja I've tried everything but it still does not display anything
Mar 20, 2013 16:55
@crypticツ the echo function is not returning anything. All that is displayed from echo "Hello, " . $row['fullname']; is Hello,
Mar 20, 2013 16:54
@Happyninja the UserID is the same as the username in my case
Mar 20, 2013 16:54
@crypticツ My problem is that even after storing the UserID in a session in the login page, I'm still not able to retrieve the user's full name in the landing page
Mar 20, 2013 16:51
@crypticツ all I'm trying to do is store the UserID in a session and use the same UserID to get the fullname of the user after they have logged in.
Mar 20, 2013 16:49
@crypticツ In my code, my username is called UserID
Mar 20, 2013 16:47
@DaveRandom The other code is the landing page after the user logs in
Mar 20, 2013 16:47
I already declared in the login page : <?php
Mar 20, 2013 16:46
@DaveRandom will it be possible to private chat with you?
Mar 20, 2013 16:43
@DaveRandom I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong. Even if I know it's supposed to be easy just to display stuff from the database
Mar 20, 2013 16:42
I tried that
Mar 20, 2013 16:42
if (!isset($_SESSION)){
Mar 20, 2013 16:41
The userID is th username
Mar 20, 2013 16:40
Hmmm I'm kinda stuck....could u guys maybe give me a sample of what would work? @DaveRandom and @crypticツ

Trash can

Like the recycle bin, but trashier.
Apr 14, 2013 19:53
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