Pretty Good Pancake


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Feb 5, 2018 14:19
Thanks a lot everyone
Feb 5, 2018 14:15
The problem is that the Json is encoded by a distant service, so we can only work around it, there's no proper solution then?
Feb 5, 2018 14:14
Oh I see
Feb 5, 2018 14:13
So I can't find and replace nested quotes inside a string?
Feb 5, 2018 14:11
@ssube thank you, how would you do it?
Feb 5, 2018 14:10
Hey guys, I need help with a json parsing / regex issue:
I'm trying to escape nested quotes inside quotes but suck badly at regex, here's my fiddle : you can see that the console.log is failing since the parsing stops at the quotes
Nov 16, 2015 13:12
haha, I think you're right anyway
Nov 16, 2015 13:08
Okay that's what I thought too, I understand the logic behind this anyway
Nov 16, 2015 13:07
I guess I won't be able to then
Nov 16, 2015 13:07
@Neil makes sense, but I just need to read the content (page change within the iframe)
Nov 16, 2015 13:05
@neil yes thought so
Nov 16, 2015 13:04
So, when using an iframe from another domain (in my case, invision), I can't access anything, be it the title of the current page within the iframe, or anything?
Nov 16, 2015 13:02
I have a quick questions since I've already lost most of my hair
Nov 16, 2015 12:54
Hey everyone
Sep 24, 2015 00:39
(weird thing is that it works in the browser, but not in react native with onPress... will investigate)
Sep 24, 2015 00:35
@Lalaland awesome, thank you very much
Sep 24, 2015 00:32
Hi everyone! I have a quick question in React that I've managed to illustrate in this fiddle : Basically, what I want is simply to pass function parameter from a child component to a parent component. Is that possible?
Sep 13, 2015 21:25
Hey everyone, has anyone here played a bit with react native? I'm having a weird time using NavigatorIOS...
Sep 11, 2015 13:41
Hey guys, has someone here used react native? I'm trying to switch the barTintColor from a scene to another without success..
Aug 21, 2015 18:42
Oh okay, never done that and I'm sure I've had some variable with the same name in different controllers... I thought that - by definition - the controller kept variable within its own scope
Aug 21, 2015 18:39
Hi guys, quick "good practice" question. I've started working on some legacy code on a large Angular project. the project architecture is great and everything, but every controller/service... (every js file really) is encapsulated inside an anonymous function. Could someone quickly explain to me the reason behind this?

RegEx - Regular Expressions

Discuss about Regular Expressions. Learn at: Regular-Expressio...
Feb 5, 2018 13:54
My goal is to match the quotes around "lol"
Feb 5, 2018 13:54
like {"comment": "Hello "lol" how are you"}
Feb 5, 2018 13:54
I suck badly at regex, but I'm trying to find and replace all nested double quotes inside a string
Feb 5, 2018 13:53
Hey guys

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Jan 29, 2018 13:11
(wrapping the overlay and content in a position:relative div)
Jan 29, 2018 13:11
Here's the fix if anyone is interested
Jan 29, 2018 13:11
Yeah I meant the whole scrollable area
Jan 29, 2018 13:10
I figured it out, thanks @ZachSaucier
Jan 29, 2018 12:46
It's lonely in here
Jan 29, 2018 12:28
Is there any way to do that?
Jan 29, 2018 12:28
basically what I want is the pink square to take up all of the available height without having to put .overlay inside .content
Jan 29, 2018 12:28
Here's the fiddle:
Jan 29, 2018 12:28
Hey guys, I have a really quick question: I'm trying to have an absolute element taking 100% of the available height inside an overflow-y: auto
Jul 24, 2015 09:01
Hi everyone, I have a quick question : I need to have the .content take the whole available parent height, without using the obvious "position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%". Thanks a lot!
Jul 23, 2015 14:50
Jul 23, 2015 14:50
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson @mikedidthis Yeah I do realise that you're lacking a bit of context, I'll be right back with a fiddle


Rules → —  Discussion for iOS and OS X ...
Oct 25, 2015 15:34
I'll keep you updated, was thinking about writing a blog article about perfs/bumps etc
Oct 25, 2015 15:33
I come from a heavy angular/Ionic background, and React Native feels like it's heading the right way
Oct 25, 2015 15:33
Well, performances so far are really good, and the main purpose is to also deploy on android
Oct 25, 2015 15:32
Why is that?
Oct 25, 2015 15:31
I'm currently learning / building with React Native, have any of you tried it?
Oct 25, 2015 15:29
He always does
Oct 25, 2015 15:16
@MichaelDautermann You needed me?!
Oct 25, 2015 11:51
Oh awesome
Oct 25, 2015 11:48
I think I need to re-install Xcode to fix this
Oct 25, 2015 11:48
@MichaelDautermann thanks! Saw that, unfortunately the app store tells me that Xcode is up-to-date (7.1) even tho when looking up the version, I see 7.0.1
Oct 25, 2015 10:16
Update : Looking inside Xcode contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport it appears that I don't have a 9.1 folder
Oct 25, 2015 10:10
Hey guys, just updated to Xcode 7.0.1 and iOS 9.1, and am now unable to build on my device (iPhone unavailable). Has anyone had this issue? I've tried restarting both devices (Mac & iPhone) without success...