One Azure tutorial tells you how to deploy a 'Website' (free) but static files are not served, the other tells you how to deploy using a VM (not free), another tells you how to deploy using Python Tools (free but you need VS professional)
Yah sorry if I'm venting - I'm trying to get it to work on Azure. People refer you to the tutorials but they are incomplete or require VS with Python tools to work
... you get everything to work in DEBUG mode, then you switch to DEBUG = False, and it changes completely how it serves files, spews server 500 errors without any supporting debug info
Can anyone explain to me why Windows Phone Linq-To-SQL is so much more boilerplate coding than the ORM in Django or Rails or even SQLAlchemy yet does not offer basic Many-to-Many out of the box? Does MS think we love to type?
Well if the object are going to be used inside the compiled executable then internal is fine - if they are in a library that will be called externally then public is probably necessary. Just use public unless you are in some big business development shop
Btw I am looking for a new WIndows laptop, I'd like it to be Windows 8 friendly so big touchpad (touch screen optional) and it also needs dedicated GPU for Windows Phone development and CAD - looking at the Lenovo S430, anyone have experience with this? or any viable competitor?
Perhaps you guys can help, I'm trying to track down a video I saw on learning Expression Blend. It was a female speaker at some conference probably about a year ago on Blend 4 and Windows Phone. I think she was a program manager for design maybe?
If you really wanted could mention that subtraction of vectors work exactly like addition. The only division or multiplication in the Boid webpage is scalar i.e. v/|v| so you could explain that it is elementwise