
Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Nov 2, 2013 13:31
One Azure tutorial tells you how to deploy a 'Website' (free) but static files are not served, the other tells you how to deploy using a VM (not free), another tells you how to deploy using Python Tools (free but you need VS professional)
Nov 2, 2013 13:27
Yah sorry if I'm venting - I'm trying to get it to work on Azure. People refer you to the tutorials but they are incomplete or require VS with Python tools to work
Nov 2, 2013 13:24
... you get everything to work in DEBUG mode, then you switch to DEBUG = False, and it changes completely how it serves files, spews server 500 errors without any supporting debug info
Nov 2, 2013 13:22
Am I taking crazy pills or is Django a total nightmare to work with?


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Nov 16, 2012 01:14
@Stuart Thanks! Have saved the link
Nov 16, 2012 01:10
Ah OK they want us to use it because you need to upgrade from VS Express edition to install the designer plugin
Nov 16, 2012 01:05
So broadly what is the difference between Entity Framework and Linq-To-SQL?
Nov 16, 2012 01:04
Is that available on Windows phone?
Nov 16, 2012 01:03
Can anyone explain to me why Windows Phone Linq-To-SQL is so much more boilerplate coding than the ORM in Django or Rails or even SQLAlchemy yet does not offer basic Many-to-Many out of the box? Does MS think we love to type?
Nov 16, 2012 00:59
... commonly mistaken for a millisecond
Nov 16, 2012 00:58
Stopwatches and things use hundreths of a second
Nov 16, 2012 00:56
Its half a second
Nov 16, 2012 00:48
Ah, I've not investigated those
Nov 16, 2012 00:47
DI and IoC?
Nov 16, 2012 00:45
Get it to work loosely, then tighten it up ...
Nov 16, 2012 00:44
It trips me up too much - constraint is an optimisation in my mind
Nov 16, 2012 00:44
Well if the object are going to be used inside the compiled executable then internal is fine - if they are in a library that will be called externally then public is probably necessary. Just use public unless you are in some big business development shop
Nov 16, 2012 00:31
How does the build quality feel? The spec seems good but the last image of (profile) makes it look like the lid doesn't fit the base
Nov 16, 2012 00:26
... plus many PC laptop just look too 'consumer' i.e. glossy screens and horrible branding on the lid etc.
Nov 16, 2012 00:25
The problem is many PC manufacturer's websites are really shocking so it can be ahrd to find if they have a suitable model
Nov 16, 2012 00:25
@rlemon Yah It could be good for the 'Time Machine' type backup that W8 has apparently
Nov 16, 2012 00:24
I have heard some bad things about enovo support but then I figured it the same for any big company
Nov 16, 2012 00:23
In fact was thinking of 256 SSD (bought separate)
Nov 16, 2012 00:23
500GB is fine for my purposes
Nov 16, 2012 00:22
I like the aesthetic of the thinkpad, the only PC manufacturer I know of that has a defineable design
Nov 16, 2012 00:22
Well yah I have to jump in if I am going to do WP8 dev ...
Nov 16, 2012 00:21
Btw I am looking for a new WIndows laptop, I'd like it to be Windows 8 friendly so big touchpad (touch screen optional) and it also needs dedicated GPU for Windows Phone development and CAD - looking at the Lenovo S430, anyone have experience with this? or any viable competitor?
Nov 16, 2012 00:17
Its cool enough
Nov 16, 2012 00:17
Nov 16, 2012 00:16
Other than hard-drive and RAM what upgrades are really cost effective?
Nov 16, 2012 00:14
The new crop of ultrabooks dont allow upgrades either
Nov 16, 2012 00:12
OSX runs smooth though - but then this computer is optimised for it
Nov 16, 2012 00:11
I'm on a 6year old Macbook now, running Bootcamp - it still works (albeit Windows 7, VS and Blend runs like dogs)
Nov 16, 2012 00:10
I think they needed it, Microsoft is beginning to be 'cool' - I suspect it isn't great for enterprisey types though
Nov 16, 2012 00:08
Forever and ever
Nov 16, 2012 00:07
Sounds like you want Windows 95 :-)
Nov 16, 2012 00:06
Modern UI is hardly free roam
Nov 15, 2012 23:42
(... late to the party here - blame it on lag)
Nov 15, 2012 23:40
Stringer Bell, McNulty and Mayor Carcetti in The Wire are all British/Irish
Nov 15, 2012 21:57
Heh rubberducking is a thing ...
Nov 15, 2012 21:53
... I don't believe it, I have been searching for about a week now and as soon as I ask I find it, thanks anyways!
Nov 15, 2012 21:49
Perhaps you guys can help, I'm trying to track down a video I saw on learning Expression Blend. It was a female speaker at some conference probably about a year ago on Blend 4 and Windows Phone. I think she was a program manager for design maybe?
Oct 21, 2012 23:47
Heh or you could get some dinner
Oct 21, 2012 23:46
If you really wanted could mention that subtraction of vectors work exactly like addition. The only division or multiplication in the Boid webpage is scalar i.e. v/|v| so you could explain that it is elementwise
Oct 21, 2012 23:39
Looks good
Oct 21, 2012 23:25
You could emphasise that it is the magnitude of the difference in vectors i.e |diffb.position| < 100 where diffb.position = b.position - bJ.position
Oct 21, 2012 23:23
I think you are right and the OP just doesn't understand the magnitude notation
Oct 21, 2012 23:23
Yeah the vector thing makes sense
Oct 21, 2012 23:18
So there are a few ways to store data for MVC too
Oct 21, 2012 23:15
So they are already nice and serializable in text form