
Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Mar 18, 2015 05:46
sorry have a moment?
Mar 18, 2015 05:46
have a time?
Mar 18, 2015 05:45
Q: JAVA8 lambda how to make code sampler

mingi think my code need to promote, i use object "allSummaryTSTLog" both in stream().filter() and .map(), so i have to new twice, so do with object named by "filter" in line 2 : public static List<Test> ParserPath(List<String> allLogPath) { FilenameFilter filter = new MyFilter("Summary_TST...

Mar 18, 2015 05:45
hi @fge
Mar 18, 2015 03:48
Q: JAVA8 lambda how to make code sample

mingi think my code need to promote, i use object "allSummaryTSTLog" both in stream().filter() and .map(), so i have to new twice, so do with object named by "filter" in line 2 : public static List<Test> ParserPath(List<String> allLogPath) { FilenameFilter filter = new MyFilter("Summary_TST...

Mar 18, 2015 03:47
hi guys
Mar 17, 2015 06:11
	int count = 0;
	public int getNGScenarioCount() {
//		for (Page page : pages) {
//			for (Scenario s : page.getScenarios()) {
//				if (!s.isRes())
//					count += 1;
//			}
//		}
//		lambda
//		pages.forEach(p -> count += p.getScenarios().parallelStream().filter(s -> !s.isRes()).count());
//		return count;
		return pages.parallelStream().mapToInt(p -> (int)p.getScenarios().parallelStream().filter(s -> !s.isRes()).count()).sum();

Mar 17, 2015 06:11
hi guys i get one
Mar 17, 2015 06:01
@Sword cool, i didn't know thanks
Mar 17, 2015 06:01
int count = 0;
public int getNGScenarioCount() {
//	for (Page page : pages) {
//	for (Scenario s : page.getScenarios()) {
//	if (!s.isRes())
//	count += 1;
//	}
//	}
//	lambda
pages.forEach(p -> count += p.getScenarios().parallelStream().filter(s -> !s.isRes()).count());
return count;
Mar 17, 2015 05:59
@Sword hi, the code is format in my eclipse, but ctrl +c here, it's not :D
Mar 17, 2015 05:57
Mar 17, 2015 05:57
how to make more lambda or beutiful
Mar 17, 2015 05:56
int count = 0;
public int getNGScenarioCount() {
// for (Page page : pages) {
// for (Scenario s : page.getScenarios()) {
// if (!s.isRes())
// count += 1;
// }
// }
// lambda
pages.forEach(p -> count += p.getScenarios().parallelStream().filter(s -> !s.isRes()).count());
return count;
Mar 17, 2015 05:56
hi guys, i have a question~
Mar 17, 2015 03:13
you guys are from U.S.A?
Mar 17, 2015 03:08
Mar 17, 2015 03:08
Q: 【Java lambda】 what is diff between .foreach and .stream().foreach

mingI have a question, this is a example: code A: files.forEach(f -> { //TODO }); and another code B may use on this way: files.**stream**().forEach(f -> { }); so, the question is: what is diff has stram() or not? thanks.

Mar 3, 2015 10:24
dinner time byebye ereryone
Mar 3, 2015 10:23
@fge this is my test code, i'm learning lambda
Mar 3, 2015 10:20
thank you
Mar 3, 2015 10:20
@fge yep, you are right
Mar 3, 2015 10:17
thank you
Mar 3, 2015 10:17
@Unihedro Wow I just had a huge epiphany.
Mar 3, 2015 10:16
sorry my en is week
Mar 3, 2015 10:14
if use for, i can find the element then breank
Mar 3, 2015 10:14
@fge if use filter, the loop is run from first to last
Mar 3, 2015 10:11
@fge yeah, i will try thank you
Mar 3, 2015 10:10
but in the forEach can i break?
Mar 3, 2015 10:09
in this method, i want to translate to java8
Mar 3, 2015 10:08
private SubTest getSubTestByTime(int time) {
for (SubTest t : subTests) {
if (t.getTime() == time) {
return t;
// java8
// subTests.forEach(st -> {
// if (st.getTime() == time) {
// TODO i need break at here
// }
// });
return null;
Mar 3, 2015 09:56
@dystroy may use "try-with-resource"
Mar 3, 2015 09:47
if use peek(x -> {...}), can't find first element and break...
Mar 3, 2015 09:45
@Unihedro same error occurs
Mar 3, 2015 09:43
:21876829 Stream.of(list).peek(x -> if (!foo) {
            // do something to x
            foo = true;
        });// is this?
Mar 3, 2015 09:40
boolean foo = false; -> if (!foo) {
// do something to x
foo = true;
}); // chain on
Mar 3, 2015 09:39
@Unihedro illegal start of expression
Mar 3, 2015 09:07
@Unihedro lol
Mar 3, 2015 09:04
someone told me that lambda can replace if else, who can show me a example. thanks