

Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Mar 22, 2014 01:32
Yup, its a nice game!

Indian Enthusiastic Programmers

Anyone can join, it's not only for indians. Room is most acti...
Jan 12, 2014 05:41
Hi. Does anyone have an idea about…
Apr 26, 2013 01:17
I've installed TinyCA and created the certificates for the server and the clients. I even exported in the .der format so that they can be used by the jks. But still I don't get the "or else they need to export their certificates to the server and have them imported into the server$/ truststore" - part. How to import the client's certificates into to the server's truststore?
Apr 26, 2013 00:31
My certificates are self signed. There is no CA.
Apr 26, 2013 00:07
The CA would be the Keytool in my case. So, how do I import the CA's certificate?
Apr 26, 2013 00:02
My certificates are signed by my own CA (CA is common for client and server) and I'm importing the certificate after the client provides me its certificate's name. That's what I'm trying to do and "how to do that" is my question.
Apr 26, 2013 00:02
Suppose I'm having 10 clients connecting to a server. How can the server know which client's certificate to ask to the CA (in this case Keytool as it'll be managing all the certificates)? Can you give some references please?
Apr 26, 2013 00:02
Please see the edit.
Apr 18, 2013 07:05
@ookami.kb - Thanks a lot. That really helped! :)
Apr 18, 2013 06:39
@ookami.kb - I've edited my question and posted the code.
Apr 18, 2013 06:32
Hello guys
Jan 10, 2013 18:05
I now realize where I was getting wrong!
Jan 10, 2013 18:05
Hey, thanks a ton! :-)
Jan 10, 2013 18:00
How do I use this difference? I am not aware of how to read it.
Jan 10, 2013 17:52
Is it working then?
Jan 10, 2013 17:33
And the server is:

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
$| = 1;

print "Server Program\n";
my $lp = 12000;

my $server_socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
LocalHost => '',
LocalPort => $lp,
Proto => 'tcp',
Listen => SOMAXCONN,
Reuse => 1) or die "Cannot create the socket: $!\n";

print "Server started at port $lp \n";
print "Press Ctrl+C to stop the server\n";
print "Waiting for client to connect.. \n";
# or die sprintf "ERROR:(%d)(%s)(%d)(+%s)", $!,$!,$^E,$^E
Jan 10, 2013 17:32
The client now is:
#!usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
$| = 1;

print "Client Program\n";

my $lp = 12000;

my $client_socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => '',
PeerPort => $lp,
Proto => 'tcp'
) or die "Cannot create the socket: $!\n";

print "Server connected at port $lp \n";
print "Enter the text to sent to the server: \n";
my $user_input = <>;
chomp $user_input;
print $client_socket;
# while (my $line = <$client_socket>)
Jan 10, 2013 17:31
I've changed my code somewhat now but it still doesn't run
Jan 10, 2013 17:30
I am new to stack overflow and I don't know how to use it.. So could n't respond back immediately...
Jan 10, 2013 17:30