Ruby :: Sometimes on Rails

The humane programming language. Be nice. Have fun. Lurkers...
Oct 22, 2018 06:06
@Mirv Thanks for your valuable time and input, I will make of use it :)
Oct 8, 2018 11:38
helps appreciated.. thanks :)
Oct 8, 2018 11:38
I have a normal rails 5 applicaiton (ActionController::Base) whic is use to provide API for a front-end applications. It uses ActiveModel::Serializer to construct the json.
is it possible to use grape-swagger in this?
Feb 6, 2016 18:22
@WayneConrad thanks for your suggestion
Dec 5, 2015 10:23
@WayneConrad Thanks, I will start with it. It requires lot of thinking, I will try to do my best.
Dec 5, 2015 07:19
which is correct way to approach maze puzzle, storing the board in an array or matrix ??


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Sep 23, 2018 13:25
Hi Sherkoverflow, do you have any suggestions for image editing(brightness, contrast, cropping) using jquery plugin?
Sep 23, 2018 13:14
Can we do image editing(brigntness, contrast, croping) using javascript and send the edited image to server? if yes please suggest me the plugin, thanks

Ruby on Rails

Arena for Ruby on Rails Developers to Collaborate & Ideate !!
Jan 9, 2014 05:39
@Tuxified thanks!
Jan 8, 2014 11:20
hi friends, is it possible to create a desktop application using ruby?
Sep 18, 2013 14:12
when i provide address "799 E DRAGRAM SUITE, TUCSON, AZ", i am getting "address is invalid"
Sep 18, 2013 14:08
Hi need help in saving address with lat, long value by geokit gem
Jun 7, 2013 07:34
@muntasim, I generated "model dependency diagram" with the help of railroad for my rails 2.3.2 aplication, from the link ""
Jun 7, 2013 07:21
thanks for the reply, no, i am using aptana studio 3 in ubuntu 12.04
Jun 7, 2013 07:10
Hi all, is there any gem to generate E-R diagram for rails 2.3.2 project? I found two gems to generate E-R diagram rails-erd and railroady, but both support for rails version > 3.