Doesn't matter why. Not my design. They have some kind of very generic "object?"s flying around. The particular class i am writing has "object?" parameters and I added a enum param for the choice of arithmetic operator.
Just adding another class.
Other classes converts them to lists etc. But not value types.
in this ocean.. im not even on a boat.. it's more like I'm on a small raft. looking for land desperately. Every direction seems to promising but so hostile
i've hard time understanding the java community. it's really an ocean as mentioned earlier. ocean made up of continents aswell as small islands.. all having their own influence
so the latest day i just stuck to oracles EE6 tutorial... assuming that this is one of the few resources that will at least guarantee me proper knowledge.. now though, im not even sure about that.. given the amount of frameworks and their popularity
:) ive been reading netbeans e-commerce tutorial.. but it's outdated. i read oracles tutorial, but it's too heavy and comprehensive (as a first resource) ive read some of jboss tutorial.. but it's too advanced . and the others i found are too limited or focused.. kind of assuming that you know the rest already
Right. There just seems to be endless amount of resources and knowledge. I thought of checking out the JBoss tutorial - they seem to cover a lot of topics. (The most important thing is basically that what i learn from the tutorials are applicable elsewhere) i really dont want to lock myself in a small box - only able to work with one environments
Yes. I've understood that the commercial market for developers is largely dominated by struts and spring.. making those frameworks important when looking for work. I'm not going to be working for four years (when i complete my m sc) and a lot will probably change until then.
I also got the impression that oracle with EE6 and soon EE7 are making hard attempts at standardizing the platform - getting rid of the need of frameworks such as struts.
As you're experienced with struts, you'll naturally be comfortable recommending it to others..
I've been doing some research, getting a "grip" on what is what.. read halfways through the jsf tutorial at oracle .. I'm really trying to get a overview, because of the vast amount of frameworks out there..