check for cmake - do type -p cmake and it should display the path to cmake - that ensures that it can be run from the command line - this is a last step verification that the path has been set properly
and where did that put the command line tools? you need to ensure that the path to the cmake binary is in the path of the terminal that you use to run python
generally, I need the ldap server for authentication, but in a QA environment there are no fixed LDAP servers to depend on so I have to automate their construction from a core configuration
newer version of openldap -the configuration changing from the file to a directory structure has been a complete pain, but because you can now configure it using a directory browsing tool it's a mixed blessing
the first time I had to set up an LDAP server I encountered the missing attribute issue and the global superior knowledge issue, so it's all to be considered a learning experience
it looks like this document -… should get you at least most of the way to exporting the definition from a working system? assuming that the working system has all the object information
unfortunately, at this point, you'll have to resolve the missing semUserObject schema before you can add any of the user accounts. you could create a schema file and add it - but that's less desirable than having the definition from a running directory server
just as an additional note, this question and your related one are both sys-admin/power-user questions and would have been better asked on those stack exchange sites