But those new buttons though..

Jul 27, 2019 23:14
i typed a few things just now but they were all full of expletives and insults. suffice to say i'm thinking bad things in my brain that aren't suitable to write here
Jul 27, 2019 22:39
just checking in here to see if and when we can expect to see Hot Meta Posts come back? Obviously the decision to remove it is very (record breakingly) unpopular. Could we possibly just re-instate things as they were?


Got a SQL question? Any SQL flavor here, just ask. Indicate yo...
Feb 5, 2019 17:56
I have a column where I need to store either a monetary amount like DEC(8,2) or nothing. My approach in the past has been to just use a VARCHAR since it allows an empty string. I'm looking for feedback/advice about the best way to store this data. Should I use DEC and ALLOW NULL, or will VARCHAR work just as well?
or is there another perhaps better option for storing numbers where the value can sometimes be empty?


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Jan 24, 2019 02:08
thanks @Tiffany
Jan 24, 2019 01:52
how stupid... well that's two hours wasted. thanks @Danack - iconv worked and lead me to re-read the docs for mb_convert_encoding
Jan 24, 2019 01:52
I dunno.. intuitively I thought from would go first
Jan 24, 2019 01:51
I had $to and $from backwards
Jan 24, 2019 01:51
mb_convert_encoding($str, $to, $from);
Jan 24, 2019 01:51
i had the args in wrong order
Jan 24, 2019 01:51
Jan 24, 2019 01:51
i'm gonna go cry now
Jan 24, 2019 01:45
but something is going awry when php reads the file
Jan 24, 2019 01:44
when I open in VIM it's fine too
Jan 24, 2019 01:44
when I open in sublime text I can see the ® character
Jan 24, 2019 01:44
it outputs �
Jan 24, 2019 01:44
that's it
Jan 24, 2019 01:44
echo file_get_contents('/path/to/my/messed/up/file/txt');
Jan 24, 2019 01:43
a shell
Jan 24, 2019 01:43
There's no html here
Jan 24, 2019 01:43
Jan 24, 2019 01:42
Well i'm happy to try something if you've got any ideas at all
Jan 24, 2019 01:41
Yeah I've read that article
Jan 24, 2019 01:40
Jan 24, 2019 01:40
read file, echo correct characters
Jan 24, 2019 01:40
I just need to read a file and have it not display gobbledy gook
Jan 24, 2019 01:37
I tried mb_convert_encoding($string, "WINDOWS-1252", "UTF-8"); but it displays as "?"
Jan 24, 2019 01:36
how do I convert chr(174) to display ®
Jan 24, 2019 01:36
Can anyone help me with this: I have a text file which my editor is reading as 'Windows-1252'. It contains a character ® which ord() reports as 174. This seems to agree with the WIndows-1252 character mapping. But I cannot seem to convert it to something readable. It always echos out as �
Apr 21, 2018 03:46
it would be encouraging if you at least gave an upvote all the existing answers which work according to the criteria you provided. At any, here's another possibility. Hopefully this works for you.
Apr 21, 2018 03:46
@danjfoley - this question is like a moving target. you keep adding requirements and criteria that aren't mentioned at first. it's a bit difficult to provide a working solution and unfair to answerers when you do that.
Apr 21, 2018 03:46
@DhavalJardosh - thanks. frankly i'm still trying to grasp what you've done in your solution to make this work. just a bit more explanation in your answer would be great.
Feb 19, 2017 22:49
you're welcome, good luck
Feb 19, 2017 22:49
otherwise it will confuse others reading it
Feb 19, 2017 22:49
if you want to update your question to specify that you are trying to directly access $_POST variables i will update the answer
Feb 19, 2017 22:48
it's irrelevant
Feb 19, 2017 22:48
so if you're doing it somewhere else that would make sense
Feb 19, 2017 22:48
the original class method gets $password from $_POST['password']
Feb 19, 2017 22:47
well if you're submitting a form then yes, you'd need to use the correct variables
Feb 19, 2017 22:46
anyway i got to run.. are you going to accept my answer?
Feb 19, 2017 22:46
ok.. well you know more about your application than me
Feb 19, 2017 22:46
why not?
Feb 19, 2017 22:45
are you doing this inside the customer class?
Feb 19, 2017 22:45
it works fine
Feb 19, 2017 22:45
Feb 19, 2017 22:44
i just tested this and it works
Feb 19, 2017 22:44
no the query is fine
Feb 19, 2017 22:44
it works for me... it sounds like you need to learn some php basics.
Feb 19, 2017 22:43
i have no idea how you're using this so i can't really answer that. i just assumed you were rewriting the login class method
Feb 19, 2017 22:42
well then why would it return anything other than null?
Feb 19, 2017 22:42
are you returning $response at the end of the method?