Feb 9, 2015 16:18
as you wish
Feb 9, 2015 16:18
Feb 9, 2015 16:17
mind posting an answer to the question, just in case somebody else needs help ?
Feb 9, 2015 16:17
thanks anyhow a lot for the help
Feb 9, 2015 16:16
guess the libs i used there were properly managed then :)
Feb 9, 2015 16:14
i swear that i neve encountered problems like this in gradle :))
Feb 9, 2015 16:14
but still don't understand why it didn't work before
Feb 9, 2015 16:13
everything seems to work as intended
Feb 9, 2015 16:09
does it matter that the google http client is above the htmlunit with 4.0.1 ?
Feb 9, 2015 16:08
you found out that the google one has 4.0.1; and htmlunit has 4.3.3
Feb 9, 2015 16:07
well as far as i ca tell, only google http client and htmlunit depend on the apache httpclient
Feb 9, 2015 16:06
apparently moving it down the deps list worked. lol
Feb 9, 2015 16:05
wow hold on. just worked
Feb 9, 2015 16:04
moving the htmlunit dep to bottom now.
Feb 9, 2015 16:04
couldn't see any other httlpclient on another dep, even on the google ones.
Feb 9, 2015 16:02
+- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.3.3:compile
[INFO] | | \- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.3.2:compile
Feb 9, 2015 16:02
also, only under htmlunit appeared:
Feb 9, 2015 16:01
just ran the dep tree, can't see anything out of the ordinary
Feb 9, 2015 15:53
tried even excluding the httpclient from the htmlunit, nada
Feb 9, 2015 15:49
Just removed all google related deps and the httpclient. Still nothing. Can't add the htmlunit as a test, it's not used for testing.
Feb 9, 2015 15:49
Just removed the com.google.http-client:google-http-client-jackson:1.19.0. Same error. So that is not the issue. What is interfering with the HtmlUnit dependency ?
Feb 9, 2015 15:49
You can disregard the org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.4 from the deps list, the error appears even without it.
May 1, 2014 09:22
pff... it just doesn't work sometimes. i'm testing with my phone and my tablet, and the code on the server keeps them in sync everytime something happens on the other one. but sometimes when i delete or create an item on a device (either), it just doesn't send the message to the server... after 3 more tries, it does. seems totally unreliable... have you seen this before ?
May 1, 2014 09:12
ok spoke too soon.... it now initializes the servlet 1 time only and still doesn't work. this is very very unreliable....
May 1, 2014 08:58
haven't you encountered a similar problem while developing ? i was using glassfish locally, with the default "server" virtual server, if this makes any difference
May 1, 2014 08:57
so it appears that the web module was deployed twice on the glassfish server, hence the 2 times the servlet was started. i suppose this messed up the XMPP connection somehow
May 1, 2014 08:56
yeah, that seemed to be the problem. it appears to work consistently; at least for now...
May 1, 2014 07:06
what i've seen in the logs though is that the connection is recreated multiple times (~3) on server start. that might be a problem. i'm going to look into this
May 1, 2014 07:04
after a few more minutes and a few more redeploys, it stopped working again !! this is very frustrating
May 1, 2014 07:04
But after a few minutes, it just started working and I have no idea what changed... No actual changes on neither server nor client side
May 1, 2014 07:04
Then I've added de DEBUG_ENABLED flag before opening the connection. It didn't change much.
May 1, 2014 07:03
Ok, I've first tried 4.0.30, still had the problem, so it's certain that this shouldn't be the problem. It was a good idea nevertheless.
Apr 30, 2014 20:29
I'm using the latest gradle dependency, which appears to be 4.3.23. Can you please give me the version you are using ? I'll try to check with it too, maybe that's the problem.
Apr 30, 2014 20:29
Oh thanks, that would be more than helpful ! I sent the registration id using a RESTful API call, nothing out of the ordinary. Why do you ask?
Apr 30, 2014 20:29
Tried on multiple devices, same problem.


Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
Oct 2, 2013 13:46
is anyone here experienced with gradle + AS ?
Oct 1, 2013 19:08
Q: IllegalArgumentException: already added: Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat$AccessibilityServiceInfoIcsImpl;

AndrewI'm using Android Studio + gradle on MyProject + Facebook api as a library. See below settings. I've tried removing all references of support-v4 (either r7 or 18.0.0) and replace them with support-v13, but the message with v4 was still present. I've also noticed that support-v4-r7 appears in Ext...

Oct 1, 2013 19:08
Hello. If somebody has a clue about this, please drop by. Thanks.
Sep 28, 2013 12:51
Q: IllegalArgumentException: already added: Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat$AccessibilityServiceInfoIcsImpl;

AndrewI'm using Android Studio + gradle on MyProject + Facebook api as a library. See below settings. I've tried removing all references of support-v4 (either r7 or 18.0.0) and replace them with support-v13, but the message with v4 was still present. I've also noticed that support-v4-r7 appears in Ext...

Sep 27, 2013 09:16
would you want to have a look at this please ? stackoverflow.com/questions/19030393/…
Sep 27, 2013 09:15
hi. is anybody here active ?