Muhammad Hewedy

Jul 1, 2015 22:05
Thanks for your time
Jul 1, 2015 22:04
I think the encapsulated object it pretty good
Jul 1, 2015 22:04
the underscore? I made it just to try to hide it from the subclasses
Jul 1, 2015 22:03
What you mean by this?
Jul 1, 2015 22:03
Jul 1, 2015 22:02
ya, you are right
Jul 1, 2015 22:01
All ways, thanks for your time
Jul 1, 2015 22:01
Jul 1, 2015 22:00
Then JSF has namespace pollution
Jul 1, 2015 22:00
But if I am using another framework that doesn't enforce me to create getters/setters for fields just to bind them to the UI, I think such problem will not happen
Jul 1, 2015 21:58
but it should never used directly by the developer
Jul 1, 2015 21:58
mm, in some way.. yes
Jul 1, 2015 21:58
I want to avoid programmers mistakes by writing bug-free code
Jul 1, 2015 21:57
so the user can pick from date and to date from
Jul 1, 2015 21:57
These fields is backing some calendar on the form
Jul 1, 2015 21:56
I just browed the word controller from BlueC
Jul 1, 2015 21:55
and JSF enforces me to put theses getters and setters
Jul 1, 2015 21:55
I want to prevent him from making mistakes
Jul 1, 2015 21:51
Ani't he?
Jul 1, 2015 21:51
this might happen, the subclass developer might ignore the parameters in favour of the the super class inhereited field's getters
Jul 1, 2015 21:50
public class SomeSubClass

protected List<? extends StatisticsModel> getDataModel(Date from,
Date to, String[] selected)
// do some logic with get_fromDate
// and get_toDate
// and don't user from and to parameters at all


Jul 1, 2015 21:49
I'll give you some code from the subclass
Jul 1, 2015 21:49
the problem happens when:
Jul 1, 2015 21:49
which is available for JSF sake
Jul 1, 2015 21:48
Okay, but you can call its getter
Jul 1, 2015 21:48
You don't see this as a problem?
Jul 1, 2015 21:48
Jul 1, 2015 21:47
so the subclass doesn't got confused between them and the method parameters
Jul 1, 2015 21:47
Jul 1, 2015 21:47
It is a problem on the subclass
Jul 1, 2015 21:47
My problem clear?
Jul 1, 2015 21:46
Okey, I used to say it that when working on objc
Jul 1, 2015 21:46
it is short cut for instance variables
Jul 1, 2015 21:46
so from the perspective of some subclass of the StatisticsController:

the fromDate and toDate parameters is not necessarily equals to get_fromDAte and get_toDate parent methods
Jul 1, 2015 21:44
to sums it up, some times the fromDate ivar (which is coming from user input), sent as toDate to the subclass method (getDataMode)
Jul 1, 2015 21:44
and so on, as it is clear on the code above
Jul 1, 2015 21:43
If selectOneDayChecked then send fromDate ivar into both fromData/toDate parameter
Jul 1, 2015 21:43
if (isSelectOneDayChecked()) {
dataModel = getDataModel(get_fromDate(), get_fromDate(),
} else {
dataModel = getAggregatedDataModel(get_fromDate(),
get_toDate(), get_selected());
} else {
dataModel = getDataModel(get_fromDate(), get_toDate(),
Jul 1, 2015 21:42
then the _getDataModel decide how they can be send these two fields values to the subclasses
Jul 1, 2015 21:42
(for JSF rquirements AFAIK)
Jul 1, 2015 21:42
Jul 1, 2015 21:42
And this two fields made to capture the input of the user
Jul 1, 2015 21:41
I only have 2 fields
Jul 1, 2015 21:41
to sum it up..
I have 2 ivars, _fromDate and _toDate
and its getters and setters
get_fromDate, set_fromDate and get_toDate and set_toDate
and I have two methods, one private and being called in the post constructor and one abstract that should be implemented by the subclasses
the first method name is _getDataModel
the second method name is getDataModel
Jul 1, 2015 21:40
Jul 1, 2015 21:33
you mean that?
Jul 1, 2015 21:33
like the fromDate param and _fromDate ivar?
Jul 1, 2015 21:33
Jul 1, 2015 21:33
can you put some description beside each one of time?
Jul 1, 2015 21:32