Jan 28, 2022 23:08
@Jabberwocky, it worked, I deleted all the code above the fscan statements, looks like this language is super technical and needs experience. Statements above an array could cause bugs such as these...
Jan 28, 2022 23:08
@Jabberwocky, okay, on dev cpp, the numbers are a cone of the csv, on clion, it keeps exiting wth the same return code, lemme try copy pasting from the earlier to the later
Jan 28, 2022 23:08
@Jabberwocky, it could be the cversion clion is using though am running the program from the command line, it just returns false for the file scan eeven after copy pasting the code from dev cpp to clion
Jan 28, 2022 23:08
Come on guys, you can help me nail this by posting a comprehensive answer
Jan 28, 2022 23:08
@Jabberwocky, your method works on cpp dev but not on clion, could there be a reaso as to why?
Jan 28, 2022 23:08
If it works on your then show me how to use the debugger to know what's going on? Am running the file on CLION IDE
Jan 28, 2022 23:08
@Jabberwocky still the same problem after adding the comma
Jan 28, 2022 23:08
inside the loop where am scanning for numbers
Jan 28, 2022 23:08
Because there are csvs with 500 rows and columns, I need to allocate memory for that
Jan 26, 2022 16:41
@Tom, How do I replace the new line character with a comma?
Jan 26, 2022 16:41
@Jabberwocky, post an answer on how I wil replace the new line character with a comma, thats better than asking a new question
Jan 26, 2022 16:41
@Tom, after I split the current line into an array of characters using strtok then I will parse for the integers in that array while pushing them to that vector
Jan 26, 2022 16:41
@Jabberwocky, yes append that to the end of the current line being read but not to the file
Jan 26, 2022 16:41
@Jabberwocky, I just remembered that loading all the strings into a single line will have the number at the end of the current line and the number at the beginning of the next line will not have a delimiter to use for parsing, How do I read numbers in the file while ignoring the rest?
Jan 26, 2022 16:41
@kaylum, the question has been edited to address the required need. How do I get rid of the line breaks
Jan 26, 2022 16:41
@Jabberwocky, I am confused because there are two methods he mentioned, strcat and strncat
Jan 26, 2022 16:41
@kaylum, your code worked but it copied the strings with the line breaks, how do I get rid of them?
Jan 26, 2022 16:41
posting an answer which I will try may be the best approach
Jan 26, 2022 16:41
@kaylum, I have tried it but the parameters confuse me, one parameter is character array and the other one an empty character initialized to an empty string, can you post an answer on the same
Nov 13, 2021 13:21
Post updated with complete program code
Nov 13, 2021 13:17
I have the handout, updating post with the rest of the prgogram
Nov 13, 2021 13:08
Same result bro, pasted you entries in visual studio
Nov 13, 2021 13:05
Trying these out, did you derive using your the 1 for value a that you introduced?
Nov 13, 2021 12:49
Can you derive using your values and then substitute the the entries in the m,atrix array and see if works please? or you can derive and then give me a list of the equations for each entry I try, Thank You
Nov 13, 2021 12:41
The transformation values are assumed to be zero first so we can derive the values of the two matrices and express them in equation form
Nov 13, 2021 12:38
The inverse of the matrix on the left side times the matrix on the left side will give us the transformation of minimum cost needed to remove the outliers
Nov 13, 2021 12:38
Yes if you look at what is going on in the research paper, the transformation you hae sated above is whats being calculated
Nov 13, 2021 12:37
@S_Bersier, Why the positive sign before the value, its the same as A[3,3+=2?
Nov 13, 2021 12:37
Modified, still the same result
Nov 13, 2021 12:37
Found a research paper that has the derives already, now it is just manipulating the co-ordinates in the loop
Nov 13, 2021 12:37
@S_Bersier, what values should I use instead?