Jan 7, 2013 07:06
I must go now - if you send anything, I'll be reading later.
Thanks, nice chat!
Jan 7, 2013 06:55
(?<!\\)((\\\\)*)/ There you go! Escaping gets kinda confusing sometimes...
Jan 7, 2013 06:52
By grouping pairs of backslashes, I could use backreferences to "restore" those multiple slashes (in this case I used the PHP replace value '$1/'), and that seemed to solve my issue successfully. It escapes unescaped slashes and preserves all preceding backslashes.
Jan 7, 2013 06:51
But I gotta say earlier today (funny coincidence) I found it actually easier to solve this problem through regex. I had to escape a character (a simple slash '/' in this case) and ended up with almost this exact same expression '(?<!\)((\\\)*)/'
Jan 7, 2013 06:47
@TylerCrompton Thanks for taking your time on writing this info!
Jan 7, 2013 06:35
@TylerCrompton I'm not familiar with (?:), but through testing I wasn't able to restore the matched \s preceding " through backreferences (e.g.: replacing value $1" in PHP). Wouldn't (?<!\\)(\\\\)*" fit better?
Jan 7, 2013 06:35
@TylerCrompton what exactly do you mean can't be done with regex? Escaping quotation marks?
Jan 7, 2013 06:35
"I wish to understand what is wrong with the follow regular expression/approach". He might have used the SQL merely as a context example. Saying "it's not a good idea" and elaborate on alternarives is like refusing to answer his question IMO.


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Jan 5, 2013 04:23
Why hats? It seems Stack Exchange developers follow a Valve-styled philosophy :p


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Nov 4, 2012 08:11
Cya guys
Nov 4, 2012 08:11
Well, it's 5:11 AM here and I really should get some sleep =p
Nov 4, 2012 08:10
lol was about to say that
Nov 4, 2012 08:10
@Greg Well at least you've got one extra hour of sleep
Nov 4, 2012 08:09
Nov 4, 2012 08:09
Sounds too good to be true. Hope they keep this project going :)
Nov 4, 2012 08:06
@AmaanCheval This is so sweet. Just out of curiosity, what kind of income do they have by offering this service for free?