Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Nov 14, 2017 00:43
and it's killing me
Nov 14, 2017 00:43
I'm running into problems with Guzzle and oauth
Nov 14, 2017 00:42
Can anyone help me with a Guzzle / Etsy project?
Nov 14, 2017 00:42
Hey guys - I know php and i'm working on learning more advanced topics.


Rules → —  Discussion for iOS and OS X ...
Aug 5, 2014 22:52
I know how to make games for the most part. Im having trouble creating a random cgpoint in swift
Aug 5, 2014 22:48
Name changed
Aug 5, 2014 22:46
If anyone could help me that would be great
Aug 5, 2014 22:45
rules read
Aug 5, 2014 22:45
Aug 5, 2014 22:42
@EthenA.Wilson do you have any experience with swift and spritekit
Aug 5, 2014 22:39
Anyone willing to answer some swift sprite kit questions?
Aug 5, 2014 20:44
Im having a little trouble with this. Does anyone in here have experience with sprite kit?
Aug 5, 2014 20:38
@eddwinpaz Is there anything that can cause the loop to delay, but not the game?
Aug 5, 2014 20:34
Yes it did. The problem is, its stopping my game while it runs. Im using sprite-kit and I wanted the loop to create random sprite nodes at 3 second intervals.
Aug 5, 2014 20:32
Aug 5, 2014 20:28
Aug 5, 2014 20:27
Hey quick swift question. Does anyone know how to correctly delay a while loop 3 seconds before every time it repeats?