Jul 20, 2014 21:38
I know... I did it :D
Jul 20, 2014 21:33
there you go... i think this is what you wanted to accomplish
Jul 20, 2014 21:27
i pasted your code there
Jul 20, 2014 21:26
for demonstration
Jul 20, 2014 21:26
let's use this jsbin
Jul 20, 2014 21:24
ok... then you have an application context and an index context within by default
Jul 20, 2014 21:23
are you aware of the fact, that ember doesn't render templates in place where they may be specified?!
Jul 20, 2014 21:22
sure... where is your first outlet
Jul 20, 2014 21:19
i know
Jul 20, 2014 21:18
how does your html actually look like?
Jul 20, 2014 21:17
Then it's outside the scope of your ember app and you can not use embers data binding abilities.
Jul 20, 2014 21:17
ok.. which template contains section_b?
Jul 20, 2014 21:17
Do you have a template || controller for your "section_b", too?

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
May 21, 2014 12:59
@mikedidthis you are right if class names would be static but as I mentioned facebooks css class names change frequently but the ui patterns are more or less static.
May 21, 2014 12:51
@ICanHasKittenz I could but I assume it would be more fragile than selecting html elements. It also seems to me that facebook is moving to compressed css class names
May 21, 2014 12:46
@ICanHasKittenz no. I'm creating a chrome extension to record user interactions i.e. when someone clicks a like button or link. So there is definitely more than one a :)
May 21, 2014 12:39
I want so select an <a> in my DOM and the path to this <a> looks like this:

html > body > div*6 > form > div*2 > span > a

the first div is nested 6 times the second div 2 times. that's what the *6 and *2 stands for. My current selector looks like this:

$('div form div span > a:not(:has(*))')

Is it possible to ensure that no other element than a div is nested inside a "div segment". For example I do not want to select <a> like this one:

html > body > div > li > div > form > div*2 > span > a