
In Rust we trust! Rust is a systems programming language focus...
May 19, 2018 18:36
@Stargateur I wouldn't claim you actually know you have no idea about some of topics you talk about. But you really are fucking wrong. I remember our last discussion about casting malloc results, and it seems to always go the same way.
May 19, 2018 18:31
@Shepmaster If the OP would haved reverted my edit I wouldn't care; I think my first comment (which got deleted thanks to some stupid moderator) would have encouraged him to revert or edit it again if he didn't agree with it.
May 19, 2018 18:08
@Shepmaster I reduced my presence in this chatroom because I couldn't take reading all the stupid things that were being posted in this channel by a certain someone. Not directly your fault, but maybe think about the "net positive effect" in this context too. I don't think I'll come back to this channel, but feel free to contact me if you need me.
May 19, 2018 18:05
@Stargateur Let me clear about this: you way too often tell people what the "right thing" is with zero or less knowledge about the topic. Rolling back my edit just because you don't like me (and with no obvious technical reason) is so childish I won't comment on it further.
May 9, 2018 05:56
@Stargateur I'm also confused by your claim that -60 >> 1 == -30 isn't a shift operation, because even the x86 instruction for that is named SAR - shift arithmetic right. Do you have any source for your interpretation that a (right) bit shift operation cannot respect the sign bit?
May 6, 2018 14:14
just implement write_fmt for your buffer (method for local buffer type, or method in local trait that is in scope)
May 5, 2018 14:20
As @Shepmaster just said: the fix and the why generally go well together
May 5, 2018 14:18
then it wasn't worth answering before either
May 5, 2018 14:14
a "What is going on?" question rarely just means "How do I fix it", it also asks for an explanation why it doesn't work. Your answer doesn't indicate any curiousity about the problem or how to avoid the problem in general, or how to fix the problem in the compiler (because the message is completely fucked up and useless). Just rearraning the code until it compiles is not a good answer.
May 5, 2018 14:09
nope, that was me.
May 5, 2018 13:50… - anyone tried boxing a trait that derives from a trait with associated types which are bound in the derive yet?
May 5, 2018 07:30
@Boiethios The compiler doesn't care whether there are other candidates, just that their could be. It won't go searching for them. (This also means adding more Borrow impls doesn't break compatibility)
May 5, 2018 07:28
@Boiethios there could be multiple B fulfilling the requirement, so you need to manually specify it; but [T] is not one of them.
May 1, 2018 15:09
"I don't care what the moderators find helpful; I'll waste their time anyway"...
May 1, 2018 14:24
A: Edit war: How do I raise a flag without getting declined by moderator?

Paul StenneDon't raise a flag when an edit war is happening. A flag was already raised automatically! From ChrisF's self-answer: Per-post flags (...) too many edits (auto) - an author edited their post more than a certain number of times In the question you can read: I recently had a...

May 1, 2018 14:23
"In particular you should move on should a rollback war looks like it's going to start - i.e. the OP has rolled back the rollback. We'll get notifications and deal with it appropriately."
May 1, 2018 14:20
I'd guess an edit war is not the solution
Apr 29, 2018 18:30
Apr 29, 2018 18:29
I think you can get away with a private trait extension
Apr 29, 2018 18:17
quite likely
Apr 29, 2018 18:13
ah, the raw pointer comparision should include the vtable comparison.
Apr 29, 2018 18:09
Apr 29, 2018 18:08
@trentcl i think it is possible to create types which have reliably identical layout (using#[repr()]), and transforming between those should be safe. So you could end up with two references of different type to the same memory location.
Apr 29, 2018 12:23
I got a backtrace with helpful symbols like core::ptr::drop_in_place::hdbb41d323447bd7d. Any idea how to get the type back from that name?
Apr 29, 2018 09:49
Apr 29, 2018 09:49
well, clang being available on windows (i.e. integrated in vs) now puts some pressure on them :D
Apr 29, 2018 09:46
then just use rust instead :)
Apr 29, 2018 09:44
Not sure what the current state is, but MS didn't treat C as a real language for a long time afaik; so you basically had to compile your (existing, 3rd party) C code as C++. So to keep all users happy one wouldn't use too fancy syntax. If you didn't care about legacy users you could just use a better language :)
Apr 29, 2018 09:33
That is some crazy syntax :) (and I'm pretty sure C++ won't compile it, which is a problem in certain environments). Anf if you have an optional field you can't set it later that way. If it would be tied that hard into initialization you are correct that it probably shouldn't exist - it probably should be inlined instead.
Apr 29, 2018 09:11
(just to be clear: my heavy C coding days are over, and back in the day I probably didn't cast either. But now, looking from the nice safe language rust is, it does influence my opinion on how I would use other languages a lot)
Apr 29, 2018 09:08
with local vars: sure, we all like rusts default of const vars, but not everything is that nice, and certainly not in C.
Apr 29, 2018 09:07
Or even nested optional data; you'd initialize to NULL, and might later want to assign it
Apr 29, 2018 09:07
nested structs? foo* f = malloc(sizeof(foo)); = malloc(sizeof(bar));
Apr 29, 2018 09:05
so, in assignments i clearly want the cast. using it in initialization too is just to be consistent - think about how often you might change between those too without adjusting the cast.
Apr 29, 2018 09:04
idiots -.-
Apr 29, 2018 09:04
they think it is bad you'd have to touch all your malloc lines just because you changed the type
Apr 29, 2018 09:03
wikipedia even has the argument, they just put it on the wrong side
Apr 29, 2018 09:03
yes. in the initializer i'm fine with dropping the case. but in an assignment i think it is very important
Apr 29, 2018 09:02
oh well, strictly speaking a lot of the posix API is completely UB. struct sock_addr and friends...
Apr 29, 2018 09:02
the argument for using cast is: you want to be explicit about the types of your statements
Apr 29, 2018 09:01
"hiding the error": well, if you have to care about undeclared functions you have other problems. C11 seems to agree with that :)
Apr 29, 2018 09:01
"repeating": well, sure: if we can avoid repeating, that is ok. ok, so maybe this one isn't that useless
Apr 29, 2018 09:00
"clutter": well, use a better language that doesn't need it. if you can't read casts, you shouldn't be using C; and the (cast) malloc() pattern is not that hard to read.
Apr 29, 2018 08:59
"unnecessary": that's not a reason not to use it, just a reason you might not have to
Apr 29, 2018 08:59
well, i think all 4 points of the top answer are useless
Apr 29, 2018 08:58
I already did vote ofc :) I'm not afraid loosing some points :)
Apr 29, 2018 08:57
Not a helpful statement, of course.
Apr 29, 2018 08:56
And I think all those 1800+ people are idiots, and shouldn't be allowed to use C in the first place...
Apr 29, 2018 08:45
and to clarify further, I'm not mentioning this just to make you look bad :) I think it is relevant to the meta discussion that's going on in here the last couple of days.