My "dream file" would be a named fifo queue that processes could write to. And if they read it it would return a single value. So basically a named fifo on the write operation side and a plain file on the read operation side
Polling is my backup. I would like to have a file with some sort of queue so that clients can write to the file as fast as they need. I'm worried with polling there is a possibility that the program might miss an update
The behavior is definitely that of a character / block device driver file. But I am hoping I can find something similar which I can use in userland to avoid writing a kernel module.
Yea I probably am. My thought was maybe one of the special ABCD tones was used. It would probably not be part of the standards for the reason mentioned. Unfortunately I doubt the Pixel 2 dialler
I swear I've seen this sort of behavior happen before when I'm asked to enter info while stuck in a phone tree. Now I'm making a phone tree of my own and was wondering if I could replicate the behavior
Anyone use LruCaches here? If so, how would you go about using an LruCache and overriding the create method if the object you are caching needs Context to be created? I went with having the key object of the cache require a reference to Context. Is this a good idea?
Oh boy > We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: pre-mature optimization is the root of all evil > Since compilation is premature optimization, it is therefore, the root of all evil. Simple!"
I am attempting to write a program that uses the BNO055 Driver. I have tried many different methods of linking this library to my project.
Since the BNO055 driver does not come with any build system setup or library built I have to include the driver in some fashion.
For each of the following...
@Nooble Does "CMake Library not linking correctly" seem like a good title(I only ask because last time I asked about a linking error with CMake I picked a bad title and it just got downvoted)
@Nooble So I tried out the little snippet and I am still getting the undefined reference errors even after linking the library(Github Repo /imc-server)
I tried adding it as an External Project(4580b24 LN 12) and compiling the source, but I ran into issues with CMake wanting the files downloaded from the git repo to exist to make the lib
huh, I have a driver(BNO055) written in C that I added to my CMake project(CMakeLists.txt). I can include the header fine, but when I got to compile it complains about references to undefined functions(Build Log).
Anyone know of a way to build a library based on the installed source of an External Project in CMake? Because every time I try to CMake just complains about the files not being there, because they havn't been downloaded yet...