
Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
May 8, 2016 22:55
May 8, 2016 22:52
Hi i am wondering how to detect when a FIFO pipe is opened for writing? I have searched the internets and coud not locate an answer to this question


C stands for Control.
May 8, 2016 22:51
Hi i am wondering how to detect when a FIFO pipe is opened for writing? I have searched the internets and coud not locate an answer to this question


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Nov 26, 2013 19:24
okey! will do that ty
Nov 26, 2013 19:23
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tictactoe.py", line 304, in <module>
if check_win(list1,pc):
File "tictactoe.py", line 118, in check_win
File "tictactoe.py", line 113, in retrive_base
if list[a]==str:
KeyError: 9
Nov 26, 2013 19:21
when i run this function it raises key error 9
Nov 26, 2013 19:21
no this is the whole function def retrive_base(list,str):
for a in range(len(list)):
if list[a]==str:
return base
Nov 26, 2013 19:20
Hi guys! Why do i get key error 9 from this? for a in range(len(list)):
if list[a]==str: