Nov 25 10:03
shared_ptr<int> a(new int(10); a.reset(); assert(a.use_count() == 0); assert(a == nullptr); a is null after reset
Nov 25 10:03
Having shared_ptr means the underlying object is alive, has at least one use, one shared_ptr pointing to it, so its use_count will never go to zero (0).
Apr 27, 2023 17:55
Just one more thing - do you consider this Microsoft expert blog-post about await_transform as reasonable usages of it? For me it looks as not reasonable by your standards - but maybe I am wrong?
Apr 27, 2023 13:56
I see the use-case of blocking by await_transform is described in this question:… - all other questions on SO are similar - why await_transform in library like boost::asio blocks people from doing something.
Apr 27, 2023 13:55
Ok. So two questions: 1) if the await_transform purpose is like you describing it- then why it is not explicitly stated in the standard, nor in any other source - like cppreference? 2) This is repeating request I am asking - can you point to some reasonable example of using await_transform in some librabry code or some code exmaple?
Apr 27, 2023 08:07
The other thing - there is no information about this "reasonable" usages of await_transform in C++ standard, or here It is only mentioned as a step in evaluation of co_await expression. As a simple develeoper - I have a tool - I can use it whenever/wherever I want - if no restriction is written in the standard. Then this all-or-nothing strateg surprised me...
Apr 27, 2023 07:12
But the point here is - why await_transform is all-or-nothing - either all "pre-awaitables" go thru await_transform or it is not used. You wrote there are "reasonable" usages of await_transform. But why I cannot mix this "reasonable" for await_transform co_await expression with co_await expression that are not "reasonable" for await_transform. This is the thing I do not understand.
Apr 27, 2023 07:10
I am waiting for other coroutine to finish. It might happen it already finished - so await_ready might return true. I create one awaitable in await_transform - for some design reasons like encapsulation. I can create it without await_transform it is doable - but that is not the point. The code is similar to this example - - here operator co_await is used - I use await_transform.
Apr 26, 2023 23:06
but my await_Ready can return true - so I use it - for performance reasons.
Apr 26, 2023 23:05
it is 1:00am my time - I just need plain code to understand. Will read and respond tomorrow.
Apr 26, 2023 23:03
await_suspend is not called if await_ready says it is not needed to suspend. When co_await-ing for another coroutine - I can skip "suspend" point when it is already done,. Of course I could check before my I even call co_await other_coro; - but I see it more OO to have its coroutine_handle private - so currenlty only available via await_transform. And for me auto status = co_await other_coro; is more elegant than if (!other_coro.handle.done()) status = co_await other_coro; else status = other_coro.handle.promise().status;
Apr 26, 2023 23:03
Anyway - can you add to your response - or add link - to some use of await_transform that is "reasonable"?
Apr 26, 2023 23:03
What if I need co_await for two things from inside my coroutine - one awaitable I can just create inside my coroutine directly, the other needs promise_type internals - so I use await_transform. So I'm sorry, but this explanation doesn't convince me to believe that this is the right behavior, it's defined by the standard. But well, it is what it is. Maybe someone (or me) will write a proposal to change this.
Apr 26, 2023 23:03
My example, it is very simplified one. My real code is when I want to wait from one coroutine to end of other coroutine. Then - I do auto s1 = subcoro1(); auto status = co_await s1; So - I use co_await - I am not yielding something, I am waiting for something. I use await_transform to build awaitable with current coroutine handle. On the other hand - I use some other awaitable - e.g. I wait for some message to be dispatched to my coroutine. I find it very "disappointing" that I need to write this funny generic await_transform. To block T - I can await_transform(T) = delete; if needed.

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