Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Apr 9, 2014 18:59
@webarto you have communication problems, anyway I will do more research about this.But @webarto please go outside talk with people, be polite, too much programming is bad
Apr 9, 2014 18:54
@DanLugg I think I understood what your talking about but I will not have, all my tables have column id and I will not change this
Apr 9, 2014 18:52
@DanLugg if you talk about security issues then yes I know I took some measures
Apr 9, 2014 18:51
@DanLugg this will not work because method is static, you cant use $this in static method
Apr 9, 2014 18:45
What wrong with that?
Apr 9, 2014 18:44
@Fabien User extends Queries so I can call getByID() from User
Apr 9, 2014 18:42
The function getByID is inside Queries class and user extends Queries so if I write __CLASS__ it will return Queries
Apr 9, 2014 18:40
Hello guys, how I can get the class name that called the static method? for example if I write User::getByID() I want to get "User" in the getByID method.
Apr 6, 2014 14:15
@webarto did you see the pastebin? its seems that $data overriding itself on each loop or something like that
Apr 6, 2014 14:14
@webarto just tried and its the same with while loop
Apr 6, 2014 14:12
Apr 6, 2014 14:11
i just put $var_dump($data) inside loop and the result was strange will paste it in pastebin
Apr 6, 2014 14:10
@webarto it have 3 object and all 3 are the same
Apr 6, 2014 14:06
but if I write var_dump($row) inside while loop the $row is correct
Apr 6, 2014 14:05
I mean each array element is the same
Apr 6, 2014 14:05
when data is returned it have the same content anyone know why?
Apr 6, 2014 14:04
Hello guys, I have this code:

            $query->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_INTO, $this);
            while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
            return $data;
Apr 5, 2014 14:20
@Achrome ty will check the library
Apr 5, 2014 14:17
I have tested this and it worked but its just a simple chat demo, I wanted something more complete, to see who is online etc
Apr 5, 2014 14:14
@PeeHaa had some problem installing composer
Apr 5, 2014 14:13
@PeeHaa I wanted something that could be easy to install like
Apr 5, 2014 14:10
Hello guys, anyone know any open source php chat using websockets?
Mar 31, 2014 13:24
@MirkoSimic yeah for reason that @webarto said
Mar 31, 2014 13:20
@MirkoSimic try $query[0]['post_title'];
Mar 31, 2014 13:18
Hello guys, anyone know that type of time is this format? 1396270274


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Apr 4, 2014 00:19
I found this:… those are the techniques that I can use right?
Apr 4, 2014 00:17
Thank you guys, I wanted to know from where to start :)
Apr 4, 2014 00:15
Hello guys, I making a custom chat room using php, mysql and ajax and I wanted to know how I can check who is connected to chat room?
Mar 29, 2014 00:05
Hello guys, how I can remove class from element without enabling toggle
Mar 22, 2014 23:13
@NoahHuppert I though he did it because not all browsers know that $ is jquery but i not sure thats why i asked
Mar 22, 2014 23:12
@NoahHuppert I just mean that doing this ` var $; $ = jQuery; ` is useless because dollar already mean jquery
Mar 22, 2014 23:09
@NoahHuppert but u could do this var nav = $(this); why I need $=jQuery isnt $ and jQuery the same?
Mar 22, 2014 23:08
Hello guys, I saw this code var $; $ = jQuery; var $nav = $(this); etc. I wanted to ask what exactly $ = jQuery doing?

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Mar 18, 2014 19:22
its the only that left to make it workable
Mar 18, 2014 19:22
can't I just bring the element to the front?
Mar 18, 2014 19:22
I mean without that nav the design its a mess
Mar 18, 2014 19:21
@billy the html that they have there not working
Mar 18, 2014 19:19
I took the html from inspector
Mar 18, 2014 19:16
its the first example
Mar 18, 2014 19:15
I only need to bring the button in front but I can't understand how that z-index works
Mar 18, 2014 19:14
Hi @Billy as you see I started from begin (from last time you helped me) I not sure I think I had some issues (one of two was not showing and some other bugs)
Mar 18, 2014 19:11
I though also to change the css with js but first I need to know what to change :)
Mar 18, 2014 19:10
@Matthew I just added to google chrome inspector left:-250 and z-index 999 but its still behind top-bar
Mar 18, 2014 19:06
I just dont know how to bring it front
Mar 18, 2014 19:05
@Matthew if you add left: -250px; to tab-bar after the button is clicked the button go to its initial position but its behind top-bar
Mar 18, 2014 19:01
@Matthew yeah I know that its travels along with sidebar but I can't move it outside, I using zurb-foundation and if I move it outside the functionality will not work. What you see is the result of top-bar and tab-bar, they were independent I joined them together and now applying some fixes
Mar 18, 2014 18:52
I don't want it to hide.. I played a bit with z-index but not sure how it works
Mar 18, 2014 18:52
@Matthew the top-bar have position absolute, after clicking the menu-icon the button hides behind the top-bar