
Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Feb 14, 2013 19:54
Feb 14, 2013 19:48
hey in android. If i set a linearlayout to invisible. Is everything inside of it also set to invisible (i.e. all text, buttons and images inside of it)?
Jan 25, 2013 00:32
Hi, in android if I have a service, in constant use, that is bound to an app that is in the foreground, does that prevent the Kernel from terminating the app?
Dec 7, 2012 21:46
This repeats until i tell it to stop. When I load my app, the tone will happen every 2 times, but on the third time it happens it throws an "Audioflinger could not create track, status -12". I cant find anything on this. (all im finding is status -22) anyone got any ideas whats causing it, or links to documentation about it?
Dec 7, 2012 21:46
Hello, Im having an issue playing sound in my android app. Im using soundpools to play a tone. I've already done the programming to have the tone beep for 1 second, then 2 seconds of silence.
Nov 29, 2012 00:51
oh ok..ty
Nov 29, 2012 00:49
so whenever i want to reference that i can use .setText("") right?
Nov 29, 2012 00:49
thats what i did
Nov 29, 2012 00:46
Nov 29, 2012 00:41
Hey in Android, if I want to use the default text for a TextView I would just use setText("") right?