
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Feb 23, 2020 12:34
Or is there an even better way of saving this data between app sessions?
Feb 23, 2020 12:33
Hey guys, I'm just wondering if there's a reason why one would be better than the other in the following situation:
User inputs a message which they'll be reminded of at a given Date/Time, app saves said message & date/time to a DB/file, which is loaded at app launch to set the proper timers
Aug 15, 2019 08:31
Also, hi Squirrel :)
Aug 15, 2019 08:30
Hey there, anyone able to tell me how I could manage to use both IBM.Data.DB2.Core and IBM.Data.DB2.Core-lnx, or at least detect the OS and adjust (xplatform .NET-Core app)?

Live environment is on a Linux machine, however my testing machine is Windows & I don't really feel like having to edit my code every time I want to push an update to the live environment
Aug 13, 2019 23:20
Huh... Since when does C# require you to escape forward slashes?
Randomly tried `s = s.Replace(@"\", @"/");` as a last resort, turns out it works...
Aug 13, 2019 22:59
Please don't hate me for having that enormous line btw, I haven't refactored much yet
Aug 13, 2019 22:57
I will say though, before I had this:
`if (!Directory.Exists(LogWriter.LogFileLoc.Replace(Constants.TranslateForOS(@"Logs\Log"), Constants.TranslateForOS(@"Logs\")))) Directory.CreateDirectory(LogWriter.LogFileLoc.Replace(Constants.TranslateForOS(@"Logs\Log"), Constants.TranslateForOS(@"Logs\")));`
Throwing an exception, which has vanished since adding the `TranslateForOS` method, so idk why it does work there, but not when trying to load the BotSettings.json
Aug 13, 2019 22:56
Yeah, been staring at it myself for the past 3-4 hours, tried several other options, none of them with different results
Aug 13, 2019 22:52
Has forward slashes, so I don't know why it's still trying to find
Aug 13, 2019 22:51
Aug 13, 2019 22:50
Yeah, realised it after you said you knew :p
Aug 13, 2019 22:50
Oh... Right nvm me, I'm tired
Aug 13, 2019 22:50
I literally just said that though :|
Aug 13, 2019 22:48
Yeah, added it as a redundancy in case I mix them up by accident, it shouldn't really matter though, should it?
Aug 13, 2019 22:15
Any chance anyone here could look at this snippet & tell me why the backslash simply isn't getting replaced?
It's working fine on my Windows machine, but on the Ubuntu machine I'm pushing it to, it fails
Dec 22, 2017 05:18
Hi there, I'm currently working on something which requires me to combine a set of data with itself randomly *(eg. val1->val9, val2->val6, val3->val1, ...)*
How can I ensure every record gets a match, which is unique AND not being matched with itself *(eg. no val1->val3, val2->val3 **OR** val4->val4)*?
Currently I'm doing a duplicate & self-check every time I generate a random number & testing for the existence of the last value in the secondary column, restarting the entire thing if the only value left, is itself, but I have a feeling there's a better approach to this...
Nov 2, 2016 23:49
It'll end up being a small DB anyways, even if I end up with 1m+ users, it still shouldn't suffer many performance issues, at least until I add new stuff :')
Nov 2, 2016 23:48
Yeah it's fairly simple, so I'm probably going to only be using SPs for creating users & logging them in, as I already have those procs ready to go :P
Nov 2, 2016 23:39
@BrandenBoucher Hmm, I might start following that approach too, sounds like it's pretty logical to do it that way. I'll go read up on some documentation as to why/where SPs are better for the job :)
Nov 2, 2016 23:37
It's just a small personal project, so I don't expect MUCH traffic, but you never really know, it might explode & become a lot more popular than I expected
Nov 2, 2016 23:36
That's what I thought :P
Nov 2, 2016 23:34
I'm wondering, using Entity Framework, is it better to have most work (eg: adding/editing data) done in SQL through procedures, or to do most work yourself in code, or is this all opinion-based or even dependent on the situation/structure?
Feb 5, 2016 03:11
& Thanks Kala, I'll just grab that and put it aside for once I'm done with my other projects =)
Feb 5, 2016 03:10
Coffee only fixes most, common sense and a fresh pair of eyes fixes the rest ;)
Feb 5, 2016 03:07
Yeh.. but I just realised I'm using "^" as an operator instead of Math.Pow... Time to make myself some more coffee I suppose
Feb 5, 2016 03:01
private void TestCalc()
	val = value.ToString().Reverse().ToArray();
		for (int i = 0; i < val.Length; i++)
			d += FindVal(int.Parse(val[i].ToString()), 2, i);

private static int FindVal(int val, int numericBase, int position)
	return val * (numericBase ^ position);
Feb 5, 2016 03:01
Could someone take a quick look & tell me where I went wrong here? Been coding for far too long today & can't seem to find why "111" gives me an output of 5 :-|
Jan 5, 2016 07:02
Anyone know if there's an actual difference in how ToolTip's work for DatePickers and other controls? I'm supposing so, seeing as how the same XAML code for them won't work on the DatePicker, my only guess is that it's because of the DatePicker (technically) being comprised of a Textbox & a Calendar control
Nov 12, 2015 17:59
@CharlieBrown Oh right... I knew it was something obvious that I was overlooking, thanks
Nov 12, 2015 17:55
Hey guys, I'm probably overlooking something obvious here, but any ideas on why this isn't adding my trailing zeroes? (Expected/desired result = 2.00, actual result: 2)
`double n = 2.00;
lblTest.Content = string.Format("{0:0.00}", n.ToString());`


Got a SQL question? Any SQL flavor here, just ask. Indicate yo...
Jun 8, 2017 09:19
Actually... I could just make a seperate table which maps all group's members through many2many relations... Why didn't I think of that sooner?
Jun 8, 2017 09:16
I'll probably end up simply storing member ID's in the group list's rows as "xx-xy-yy-xz-...", which makes reading it pretty simple
Jun 8, 2017 08:57
@Mofty That's a good point, I'ld probably be better off simply storing a group's members in a single column, divided by seperators then?
Jun 8, 2017 08:53
@AndyK Hey man, sorry for barging in with the question like that, sleep-deprivation sometimes causes me to forget my manners
Jun 8, 2017 08:48
The amount of group members could (in theory) range from 1, to (realistically) 10-20, however that'll depend on howmany people the group-creator wants
Jun 8, 2017 08:44
Anyone have an idea on how I should store data on usergroups? Users can create their own groups and add members to it, but I'm not sure whether to generate a table for each group, or simply have 1 table which lists all the groups & somehow lists all its members at the same time


Welcome to ASP.Net Room. Don't ask to ask just ask your questi...
Jan 18, 2017 16:19
Not exactly an ASP.NET question, but I'm using ASP MVC, I enabled SSL; which seemingly broke a controller. As I wanted to test it again without SSL, my Firefox won't load the non-SSL page anymore, I'm sure I'm not the only person to run into this issue, but none of the online resources are helping (cleared cache, deleted certificate, "forgot" the website)... Nothing works, any ideas?


A friendly room for discussing XAML based technologies. Our Co...
Jan 3, 2016 22:20
Hey guys, anyone here that can help me get my Style (for DatePicker) to have a working tooltip? I tried using the same as I do for TextBoxes, however with the DatePicker it doesn't seem to work :|
Here's what I'm using now:
`<Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},
Dec 29, 2015 17:03
Any chance you could point me the way to the "best" way to keep my UI (on a 2nd window, object gets passed from 1st window) without manually having to update the controls?
Dec 29, 2015 17:01
I see
Dec 29, 2015 17:01
That's what I feared, I had this pointless hope that just maybe I forgot something
Dec 29, 2015 16:59
Hey guys, not entirely sure if this is supposed to be asked here or in c#, so if I should head there, just tell me :)
Doesn't overwriting an object as: this.Resources["key"] = (object) o; actually trigger that object's OnPropertyChanged events?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Dec 31, 2015 03:54
So, any1 taking a look at the Steam easter egg thing's code trying to figure it out? :P


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Sep 15, 2015 20:49
@Ghedipunk I would tell you if I knew what that is, I'm not really a PHP coder, just doing my uncle a favor & downloaded this script off Github, just trying to tweak it to suit his needs right now.
Sep 15, 2015 20:45
Also, just in case you guys know a better way of doing this (you most likely will), I'm using the session_start() in my class constructor, but that class has a function which I need on multiple pages, just didn't want the error showing every time it loads the function
Sep 15, 2015 20:43
Yeah I know @samayo, I tend to fail at googling when it gets this late
Sep 15, 2015 20:40
Is there any way to check whether or not headers have been sent before calling session_start() ? Can't seem to find anything on Google (I might just be searching for the wrong thin)

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Sep 10, 2015 14:16
@Loktar Good point, didn't think of that
Sep 10, 2015 14:15
If it's auto-inc, couldn't you use something like WHERE id = MAX(SELECT id FROM blah)? (Not sure about my syntax there, a bit rusty when it comes to DB's)
Sep 10, 2015 14:13
Sorted out the relevant code for my earlier question, jsfiddle.net/eyey09gd if anyone wanted to take a look