also just FYI inside the each function you can use the second argument instead of doing the index thing jQuery.each(data[0], function(index,value){.. where value=data[0][index]
The reason for that is because the data returned is [Object, Array[3], Array[3]]. So since data3 is an array you have to grab the object which is in the first index
In chrome it's because is probably using a self-signed cert so you have to trust it first
Just look at the protocol of your urls var NewConvData =''(https) - var goaltotal = ' - var WeatherAPI = '
You are probably on https - so when you call jQuery.getJSON(NewConvData, function(data3) { it works because var NewConvData ='https but jQuery.when( jQuery.getJSON(WeatherAPI), jQuery.getJSON(goaltotal), jQuery.getJSON(NewConvData) is a mix of http/https
ajax is asynchronous - calling jQuery('.totalinv').append(totalcost);jQuery('.totalleads').append(totalcompletions);jQuery('.perleadvalue').append(perleadvalue); outside the done/success block will not get the expected results. totalcost is also never defined in the code above
no just being on stackoverflow actually lol.. just started answer questions I knew - then tried some I didn't know and other people will tell you your wrong and the right way