@SomnathMuluk actually my problem is with my category.when i view my category through "view" link below my category in admin page.it shows my category posts.But,no hrefs are working(no hover,no link).
got the fix through the Libin's code.Thanks a lot.I forgot to select the parent page for my child pages in dashboard->Pages->New Pages->parentname(instead of no parent).I made the change and applied your code.It worked out for me.Thanks
its showing nothing.but after editing this $current_page = $post->post_title; if($current_page==$post->post_parent),it again listed all my site's pages and subpages
i want to list out the submenus(or sub pages) of the current menu(or page).i am using this code <?php wp_page_menu('title_li=&child_of='.$post->ID); ?>
i changed the code to :<ul><?php wp_page_menu('title_li=&child_of=$post->ID'); ?> </ul> Its listing all my pages and subpages instead of my current page's sub pages.