Apr 10, 2012 19:49
I can't see you yet
Apr 10, 2012 19:46
Apr 10, 2012 19:46
I think it's working with gmail... so try
Apr 10, 2012 19:44
I guess... moment
Apr 10, 2012 19:44
(with your help :p)
Apr 10, 2012 19:43
no problem, I believe I can
Apr 10, 2012 19:43
little chaos :D
Apr 10, 2012 19:42
I'm going throuh program with gtrace. -> trace. -> halve(...
Apr 10, 2012 19:42
Apr 10, 2012 19:42
hello mate
Apr 10, 2012 19:42
Apr 10, 2012 19:35
The only thing I want to understand is: where and how I start to fill second half.
Apr 10, 2012 19:26
I just need to know where I started to make the mistakes in my explanation.
Apr 10, 2012 19:19
@Mog ?
Apr 10, 2012 10:57
How was you exam?
Apr 9, 2012 20:54
thanks a lot, gl
Apr 9, 2012 20:54
I'll also check this room tomorrow afternooon
Apr 9, 2012 20:52
i could give you email address?
Apr 9, 2012 20:52
where will we meet?
Apr 9, 2012 20:51
Apr 9, 2012 20:51
see ya
Apr 9, 2012 20:51
good luck, hugo!
Apr 9, 2012 20:50
It's OK, I understand!
Apr 9, 2012 20:01
but still... you can do it better :/ :D
Apr 9, 2012 20:01
[trace] 104 ?- divide([1,2,3],A,B).
Call: (6) divide([1, 2, 3], _G548, _G549) ? creep
Call: (7) divide1([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], _G548, _G549) ? creep
Call: (8) divide2([2, 3], [2, 3], _G640, _G549) ? creep
Call: (9) divide1([3], [2, 3], _G640, _G549) ? creep
Call: (10) divide2([], [3], _G643, _G549) ? creep
Exit: (10) divide2([], [3], [], [3]) ? creep
Exit: (9) divide1([3], [2, 3], [2], [3]) ? creep
Exit: (8) divide2([2, 3], [2, 3], [2], [3]) ? creep
Exit: (7) divide1([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], [3]) ? creep
Apr 9, 2012 19:45
I just don't get how is the second hald stored into B.... you wrote brilliant explanation yesterday - I don't know how log does it take to you but could you do something similar here? I believe it's not very different and you could help me a lot.... what do you think?
Apr 9, 2012 19:43
Apr 9, 2012 19:05
@Mog, you here?
Apr 9, 2012 19:05
Apr 9, 2012 19:05
Here I am
Apr 9, 2012 17:57
I have to go out for and hour. See you soon. ;)
Apr 9, 2012 17:56
Q: How many Prolog programmers does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Yes.
Apr 9, 2012 17:47
Apr 9, 2012 17:47
Apr 9, 2012 16:58
/* that's all for now, I'm going to call you :D */
Apr 9, 2012 16:58
* unify [2] with [_|T]. That means T = []. Again, where is 2? _ it's like black hole :D dev/null
* unify [2] with List, which is also [2], so it's correct?
A = A,
B = B, % that final part I don't understand. Where the hell I'm putting the element "2" into 2nd half B?
Apr 9, 2012 16:55
which tells us:
Apr 9, 2012 16:55
to the line:
divide2([_|T], List, A, B) :- divide1(T, List, A, B).
Apr 9, 2012 16:55
I not sure if I know why, but I guess it fails, so we go further
Apr 9, 2012 16:54
and we're trying to unify:
[2] with [],
[2] with List, %what is now List? [2], right?
A with [],
B with List (again, is it [2]?)
Apr 9, 2012 16:52
And so we start all over again, but not from the beginng but from next line:
divide2([], List, [], List).
Apr 9, 2012 16:51
again, am I doing this right?
Apr 9, 2012 16:51
we calculated the values above, so:
T=[2], List=[2], so we have:
divide2([2], [2], A, B).?
Apr 9, 2012 16:50
:- divide2(T, List, A, B).
Apr 9, 2012 16:48
Fine, let's say we can proceed to the body od the clause
Apr 9, 2012 16:48
and what about B and B? We will just skip it now?
Apr 9, 2012 16:47
that means that we add H to our 1st Half => A = [1], right?
Apr 9, 2012 16:46
aand now we start to build our results with the next unification, ie A = [H|A] (these are different As)
Apr 9, 2012 16:45
so here we're unifying like this:
* [1,2] with [_|T]. That means that T = 2. And where is 1? Can I write: _ = 1?
* [1,2] with [H|List]. That means that H = 1. And List = [2].