
Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Jul 21, 2020 13:18
def f(A, k): # number of subarrays with at most k odd numbers
    res = i = j = countOdd = 0
    while j < len(A):
        countOdd += A[j] % 2
        while countOdd > k:  # shrink window
            countOdd -= A[i] % 2
            i += 1
        res += j - i + 1
        j += 1
    return res

foo = [1,1,2,1,1]

print(f(foo, 3) - f(foo, 2))
Jul 21, 2020 13:15
Not mine, a solution I came across. Trying to understand the theory behind it
Jul 21, 2020 13:14
That code, when called on an array using f(k) - f(k-1), will return the correct subarray count. I can't make sense of why res += j - i + 1 gives the correct value for configurations of a subarray, because it seems to be the length of the sliding window?
Jul 21, 2020 13:12
Some code given to solve the problem looks like this:

    def f(k): # number of subarrays with at most k odd numbers
        res = i = j = countOdd = 0
        while j < len(A):
            countOdd += A[j] % 2
            while countOdd > k:  # shrink window
                countOdd -= A[i] % 2
                i += 1
            res += j - i + 1
            j += 1
        return res
Jul 21, 2020 13:12
I've committed the XY problem -_-
Jul 21, 2020 13:09
An example is, given [1,1,2,1,1] return the number of subarrays with exactly 3 odd elements. The output should be 2, because the only possible combinations are [1,1,2,1] and [1,2,1,1].
Jul 21, 2020 13:03
Thanks for pointing that out. It seems I'm looking for permutations then. The question I'm trying to solve is: "given an array, return the number of possible subarrays with exactly k odd numbers". The answer to that question uses a sliding window and calculates the number of subarrays by adding the length of the sliding window to the result. So I concluded maybe the size of the array gives the number of permutations?
Jul 21, 2020 12:55
A bit of a theoretical question here. I'm writing a sliding window algorithm and I want to use it to figure out the possible configurations of a subarray. Is it always true that the length of an array is equal to the number of possible combinations? So if I have [1,2,3], it has length 3, and there are 3 possible combinations ([1,2,1], [2,1,1], [1,1,2]). Does this hold true for all arrays with size n?

SO Close Vote Reviewers

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Is that because less applied?
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Jul 10, 2020 17:06
Jul 10, 2020 17:06
Hi, I've misclicked and selected a "Requires Edit". Instead, this needs moderator attention because it contains personal information, and I've used all my flags so I cannot go back and flag correctly. Forgive my mistake, the link is here: