i install that app where i can see that iCloud sync my data ? - First insatll app in both iPhone and iPad (having same apple id). You need to score first from score tool> then wait for 2 seconds > alert will come - hit ok > You can fill all data in form and hit save . Then after some tim same data you will be able to see in ipad (remember you did this in iphone,icloud syncs this to ipad)
@SureshJagnani is there Any way to set icloud .LIke i set in Beginning , user set iCloud on or Offf. - You can set settings within your app. To enable iCloud. have global boolean value for that
@SureshJagnani I got notification for messages now. Sorry for late reply. I just removed button for iCloud Sync, and had auto-sync while any updation is made on db. Its just that if anything updating,sync with iCloud after db is uptodate.
so its mean it auto Sync right ? - Yes we dont put the button in that ? - Yes we must not put button for that. possible provide me apple content for that rejection - Sorry but I don't have that content saved with my app uploaded before 1 year :) You are welcome always :D
if you want to upload multiple file plz c my this answer.You can create zip of your images and sync zip file to cloud stackoverflow.com/questions/8047217/…
@ganeshmanoj Yes you can give it a try. It will work. :) Initially I wanted to send "transaction logs" to iCloud like core data so I put efforts on this way.
Will you please elaborate your statement? basically entry in database is managed at your end. Now you are simply creating xml of existing changed database and sending it to cloud.
i have to rush now. I will not be available now. Try to put problem on SO again. Some one will definitely guide you. at least your label issue is solved :)
I have a simple ViewController that looks like this:
@interface MyViewController : UIViewController<UIScrollViewDelegate> {
UIScrollView *scrollView;
UILabel *label;
@property stuff
Now, what I'm trying to do with this Controller is have a ScrollView handle a really large label...