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Apple iOS development chat. This room has a FAQ at ios-develop...
Apr 12, 2012 08:53
Hi, guys. Does anybody know where i can find os example of UIPageViewController+UIPageControll. Like in flipboard or ios calendar???
Apr 6, 2012 13:37
@MichaelDautermann haha, thx for support =))
Apr 6, 2012 12:01
@MichaelDautermann It worked finally. Now trying to get familiar with opengl coordinate system =)
Apr 6, 2012 11:49
@MichaelDautermann my thoughts were the same. but now have some troubles with it. ok, i'll try =)
Apr 6, 2012 11:46
Hello, does anybody know if I am able to add multiple GLKViews to UIView ??
Mar 29, 2012 09:38
@ilis have u tried rapairing permissions?
Mar 29, 2012 09:37
Q: CATiledLayer; high resolution bitmap scaling

velkopopovizkyI'am trying to render waveform (high resolution bitmap) into UIView with different frames. I want to scale it and decided to use CATiledLayer for better performance. But in a result I got what I didn't expected. source bitmap (5000 x 80 pixels): result ( ? x 80 pixels): Tracks are not the same...

Mar 29, 2012 09:11
guys, help pls ^(
Mar 29, 2012 09:11
Q: CATiledLayer; high resolution bitmap scaling

velkopopovizkyI'am trying to render waveform (high resolution bitmap) into UIView with different frames. I want to scale it and decided to use CATiledLayer for better performance. But in a result I got what I didn't expected. source bitmap (5000 x 80 pixels): result ( ? x 80 pixels): Tracks are not the same...

Mar 29, 2012 09:03
pls, help
Mar 29, 2012 09:02
Q: CATiledLayer; high resolution bitmap scaling

velkopopovizkyI'am trying to render waveform (high resolution bitmap) into UIView with different frames. I want to scale it and decided to use CATiledLayer for better performance. But in a result I got what I didn't expected. source bitmap (5000 x 80 pixels): result ( ? x 80 pixels): Tracks are not the same...

Mar 28, 2012 13:59
I've got a problem with drawing big images
Mar 28, 2012 13:56
5001 x 80
Mar 28, 2012 13:56
I need to render big images
Mar 28, 2012 13:56
Hi guys, who knows smth about CATiledLayer?
Mar 28, 2012 13:56
@Bhurudada good luck =)
Mar 28, 2012 13:40
@Bhurudada (M_PI) or (-M_PI)
Mar 28, 2012 13:35
Q: Position UILabel at a slant or angle

Satyam svvI'm writing iOS5 app. I'm using UILabel to show the text over an image. By default UILabel will be horizontal or vertical. But I want to place the label with some angle (say 10 degrees). Is it possible with UILabel?

Mar 28, 2012 13:35
@Bhurudada label.transform= CGAffineTransformMakeRotation (M_PI)
Mar 28, 2012 13:26
Who knows smth about CATiledLayer?
Mar 28, 2012 13:23
it seems there is little experts today
Mar 28, 2012 13:23
Who knows smth about CATiledLayer?
Mar 28, 2012 13:21
Hi guys, who knows smth about CATiledLayer?
Mar 28, 2012 11:27
Thks everyone for help
Mar 28, 2012 11:22
What are alternatives in using CGContextDrawImage (not in drawRect)?
When image is very big i have bad performance on scaling.
I tried CATiledLayer, but it seems to scale all image proportionaly, what i don't need.
image goes up to 5000x80 pixels.
Any ideas?
Mar 28, 2012 11:15
@Kiran_b yes
Mar 28, 2012 11:10
@Kiran_b You are using xcode 4.2 for Lion; There is another xcode 4.2 for Snow
Mar 28, 2012 10:54
@dada have you seen there such method?
Mar 28, 2012 10:50
[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"" message:@"No Internet Connectivity"
delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:@"OK", nil];
Mar 28, 2012 08:19
Could someone help me with CATiledLayer ?
Mar 28, 2012 08:17
@twDuke good luck =)
Mar 28, 2012 08:14
@twDuke i've just checked my chrome on pc and safari on mac. it works fine for me at this moment. maybe u should wirte to their support? [email protected]
Mar 28, 2012 08:04
@twDuke have you tried safari?)
Mar 28, 2012 08:03
@twDuke very strange. i've got such problem(with testers), when they used the same device.
Mar 28, 2012 08:02
@twDuke If they've registered a device with an account and installed the testflight profile, it seems to be bug.
Mar 28, 2012 07:59
@twDuke they use different devices with different profiles?
Mar 28, 2012 07:58
@twDuke yeap?
Mar 28, 2012 07:45
Does anybody know if CATiledLayer could be scaled only by x- or y-axis?
Mar 28, 2012 07:32
Why do u need calling this method? (- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

you'd better move needed implementation into you viewController - (void) awakeFromNib.
Mar 28, 2012 07:30
Could CATiledLayer be scaled only by x- or y-axis?
Mar 28, 2012 07:29
Why do u need calling this method? (- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

you'd better move needed implementation into you viewController - (void) awakeFromNib.
Mar 28, 2012 07:20
Does anybody know if CATiledLayer could be scaled only by x- or y-axis?