Aug 24, 2017 17:48
Sure, sounds good
Aug 24, 2017 17:45
Agreed. Feel free to take what I just sent and repost it as an answer and I can accept it
Aug 24, 2017 17:42
So I'm actually totally done! The part it took me a while to understand was that both expressions had different parameters. And then when I figured that out, I didn't realize I needed keywordEx.Body in my .Or
Aug 24, 2017 17:41
called like this:
keywordEx = Expression.Lambda<Func<Activity, bool>>(
SwapParameter<Activity, bool>(keywordEx, parameter),
expression = Expression.Or(descriptionEx, keywordEx.Body);
Aug 24, 2017 17:41
modified swapParameter:

private Expression SwapParameter<T, TResult>(Expression<Func<T, TResult>> left, ParameterExpression parameter)
// Need to use parameter from outer lambda expression for equality two expressions
var swap = new SwapVisitor(left.Parameters[0], parameter);
var newLeft = swap.Visit(left) as Expression<Func<T, TResult>>;
return newLeft.Body;
Aug 24, 2017 17:40
What I wanted was to be able to .Or a bunch of different expressions. Here's what I got working
Aug 24, 2017 17:40
hey George, thanks so much for all the help. I actually just got it working exactly as needed
Aug 24, 2017 17:39
So after copying the SwapVisitor stuff in, I'm getting predicate to be a new lambda expression that has both titleEx and keywordEx as a new LambdaExpression but I was hoping it was possible to take keywordEx the opposite direction, as this is actually a small part of a much larger search service, and everythign else is as MethodCallExpressions
Aug 24, 2017 17:39
Okay, I understand the goal now. Both expressions are taking different parameters. For now, I've edited my code to define parameter. Let me check out your other answer again to see if I can figure it out
Aug 24, 2017 17:39
I definitely don't expect the same answer again, but I just don't understand what the other answer is doing. I particularly don't get what SwapVisitor is doing. I don't understand what the Compile at the bottom is doing. I'm just trying to build an expression that I can put in _db.Activities.Where(expression) by combining a lambda expression and a methodcallexpression
Aug 24, 2017 17:39
Hmm, sorry, I'm having a hard time understanding that answer. I'm totally new to the Expression library, so I'm a bit clueless


angular.module("ng-chat", ['stackoverflow'])
May 6, 2016 17:54
Wow, this is a dead room.


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Aug 17, 2015 21:34
Neat, I'm checking it out now
Aug 17, 2015 21:32
And I've got a fulltime job now, but I could use the extra income
Aug 17, 2015 21:32
Thanks! I'll look into it. I've never done freelance work before
Aug 17, 2015 21:32
Does anybody know a good place to find part time freelance jobs?
Aug 17, 2015 21:27
Hi everybody
Jun 15, 2015 13:30
@SteveG yeah, I gave it through email. Sorry, got busy haha
Jun 15, 2015 13:21
That was stressful
Jun 15, 2015 13:21
Well, I gave my notice
Jun 15, 2015 11:51
might as well be
Jun 15, 2015 11:50
Jun 15, 2015 11:50
lemme try anyway
/ /I
(______( I
Jun 15, 2015 11:50
I was looking up ASCII art but wasn't sure how that would work here
Jun 15, 2015 11:50
Jun 15, 2015 11:48
My boss is kind of a dick, so I'm expecting him to blow up (which of course is another reason I'm leaving)
Jun 15, 2015 11:48
Hmm, okay. Man, this makes me so nervous..
Jun 15, 2015 11:47
Is the exit interview usually done by your boss or somebody from HR?
Jun 15, 2015 11:47
Okay good, because I wasn't planning on it haha
Jun 15, 2015 11:46
@Sippy Should I say those things in my resignation letter? I thought that was something for the exit interview
Jun 15, 2015 11:46
plus I'm going from a 30mi commute to 6mi.
Jun 15, 2015 11:46
so I'm getting out to somewhere that's more stable
Jun 15, 2015 11:46
This company has been laying off far too many people, including people on my team, and morale is at an all time low, and I'm worried about being laid off
Jun 15, 2015 11:45
Oh, even if he does beg me to stay, it's not happening.
Jun 15, 2015 11:44
I've never quit a job before.. I've looked up examples of resignation letters, but do I say "I wish I could do this in person" or something?
Jun 15, 2015 11:43
I need some non-C# advice. I accepted an offer for a .NET position on friday. Today I have to resign from my current job. My boss is not here (he's only here 1-2 days a week), but I need to give my notice so I can start in two weeks. Is it okay to email him? And what do I say in the email?
Jun 15, 2015 11:42
Hi everyone
Jun 8, 2015 20:59
Thanks! It seems like a really cool opportunity. They're a small company. Had 5 employees in January, have expanded to 12, want to expand to 18. The CEO interviewed me
Jun 8, 2015 20:58
Hey guys. In case any of you were interested, I just finished the interview with that Consulting place and they want me to come in for an in-person!
Jun 8, 2015 19:46
Aaaaand another job applied to. Alrighty, I'm headed out. Thanks for the great conversations today. Have a great night everybody!
Jun 8, 2015 19:41
And now it's about time to go home.
Jun 8, 2015 19:41
Woop, applied for another job.
Jun 8, 2015 19:33
Jun 8, 2015 19:32
Yeah, @Pheonixblade9, recruiters won't leave me alone either, but the jobs are all either way too far away, I'm not qualified for, or wouldn't pay nearly enough
Jun 8, 2015 19:28
And it's like every listing is just for one job by five different recruiters
Jun 8, 2015 19:28
uuuugh, that's such a pain
Jun 8, 2015 19:26
How is dice? I've used Indeed a bit, but it's all recruiters and extremely vague job listings
Jun 8, 2015 19:26
Thanks @Skullomania It's linked to on under Learn


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Aug 17, 2015 21:30
I've got a question: Does anyone have a good resource for some part time freelance development? I've only ever worked full time before, and I actually have a full time job now, but I could really use the supplemental income of a second job
Aug 17, 2015 21:28
Hi everybody