Feb 7, 2014 14:49
ok, thank you!
Feb 7, 2014 14:48
Feb 7, 2014 14:48
I'll spend some more time to investigate
Feb 7, 2014 14:47
ok, then I'm sorry for opening the question..
Feb 7, 2014 14:46
so, the issue is not in the \r\n ?
Feb 7, 2014 14:46
Feb 7, 2014 14:45
no, I want to remove \r\n so I can parse my string using DocumentBuilder
Feb 7, 2014 14:45
I've updated my question with xmlstring example
Feb 7, 2014 14:44
If I do that, after replaceAll I get an empty string.
Feb 7, 2014 14:44
I'm expecting all the chars like \r\n are removed from my xml string, isn't that clear from my post?
Feb 7, 2014 14:44
xmlstring is an XML string, which contains invalid chars.
Example: ``<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\r\n``


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May 17, 2013 06:22
Hello! Am I allowed to post link to a question and ask to take a look at it here?