Tejaswi Yerukalapudi

iPhone / iPad

Apple iOS development chat. This room has a FAQ at ios-develop...
Mar 23, 2012 16:55
@twDuke Interesting .. But then you're ending up with as many test classes as the actual classes .. so, not sure.
Mar 23, 2012 15:43
Hello people! I wanted some info on how you unit test your code. Do you put all the test code in one class? Or do you make one test class for each of the classes you're testing?


iPhone SDK Questions
Mar 9, 2011 18:39
(non Open GL)
Mar 9, 2011 18:39
Hello all, quick question: What is the typical memory usage of your app when you look at it through Instruments - allocations?


Cocoa, Cocoa Touch Development
Oct 25, 2010 23:47
Is this still up?