Nov 14, 2014 02:49
you are welcome
Nov 14, 2014 02:48
the time will show as I do not know all the details about other requests that might come to the server
Nov 14, 2014 02:47
Nov 14, 2014 02:41
There still might be a slight problem as your DocumentRoot is the same as that folder. But may be not and it will work as expected.
Nov 14, 2014 02:40
Make a request to any other file, even non-existing
Nov 14, 2014 02:37
Then instead of LocationMatch should be Directory, without any match. As you've done for the alias before, just copy the directory part.
Nov 14, 2014 02:36
I understand. Location is for URL, Filesmatch for filesystem
Nov 14, 2014 02:33
It should not matter
Nov 14, 2014 02:31
it is the same as before with aliasmatch.
<LocationMatch ^/CollabPortal\d{5}>
Require all denied
<FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|jpg|png|js|css|ico)$">
Require all granted
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 10 years"
ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 10 years"
ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 10 years"
ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 10 years"
ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 10 years"

Did not test it.
Nov 14, 2014 02:28
So that other requests will go is previously. LocationMatch to what you want, denied inside and filesmatch with granted in it too
Nov 14, 2014 02:27
Add FilesMatch, but it may affect other proxying requests. you will need it probably within
Nov 14, 2014 02:25
Because they did not know that you are dealing with https, but modifying http.
Nov 14, 2014 02:24
This may still need some tuneup, as you are proxying some urls, also it does not limit access only to images, css, js files, but may interfere with other urls in https
Nov 14, 2014 02:23
You were looking in the wrong place, configs for port 80 and 443 are in different places
Nov 14, 2014 02:17
/CollabPortal\d{5}?/(.*) question mark supposed to work for /CollabPortal/ without numbers, but you are already proxying it with ProxyPass /CollabPortal ajp://localhost:8010/CollabPortal.
Nov 14, 2014 02:15
or AliasMatch /CollabPortal\d{5}?/(.*) D:/Dev/Projects/CollabPortal/CollabPortal/target/CollabPortal/$1
Nov 14, 2014 02:15
Either RewriteRule ^/CollabPortal\d{5}?/(.*) /$1 [L], but I did not check it
Nov 14, 2014 02:15
and wrote it in different way
Nov 14, 2014 02:14
RewriteRule ^/CollabPortal\d{5} /$1 [L] I did not check it
Nov 14, 2014 02:14
AliasMatch /CollabPortal(?:\d{5})? D:/Dev/Projects/CollabPortal/CollabPortal/target/CollabPortal this is not what I asked to write
Nov 14, 2014 02:07
I tried those in virtual machine and they worked.
Nov 14, 2014 02:07
Nov 14, 2014 02:05
Make changes where you were trying to do in the beginning, than in virtualhost part
Nov 14, 2014 02:05
Sorry, never used AliasMatch before. Also, you do not need it here. Something like RewriteRule ^/CollabPortal\d{5}?/(.*) /$1 [L] should work too.
Nov 14, 2014 02:03
I checked it with my config - it works.
Nov 14, 2014 02:03
you can try to put it outside (may be you are requesting by http images and so on). If it does not help - yes, in ssl
Nov 14, 2014 02:02
I removed parentheses around \d{5}
Nov 14, 2014 02:02
sorry, change $2 to $1
Nov 14, 2014 02:01
AliasMatch /CollabPortal\d{5}?/(.*) D:/Dev/Projects/CollabPortal/CollabPortal/target/CollabPortal/$2
Nov 14, 2014 02:00
Ok, found the reason.. did not try aliasmatch before, but..
Nov 14, 2014 01:58
The thing is that documentroot is already pointing to the same folder. you, probably, do not need alias, but a rewriterule for that.
Nov 14, 2014 01:53
Show new ssl config
Nov 14, 2014 01:51
Did you restart the server?
Nov 14, 2014 01:49
Moreover, your documentroot is pointing to DocumentRoot "D:/Dev/Projects/CollabPortal/CollabPortal/target/CollabPortal/"
Nov 14, 2014 01:48
Inside of <VirtualHost *:443>
Nov 14, 2014 01:47
Everything. Alias defines the alias and directory defines settings for it.
Nov 14, 2014 01:46
You thing without numbers is working due to ProxyPass /CollabPortal ajp://localhost:8010/CollabPortal
Nov 14, 2014 01:45
Try to copy the part with AliasMatch and so on into the ssl part. Sorry, can not remember right now whether the default settings are applied automatically to virtualhosts, but I think no..
Nov 14, 2014 01:37
<VirtualHost *:443> inside is a configuration of apache that responds on https requests.
Nov 14, 2014 01:37
No, I'm telling you that what you have in part with Listen 80 is not a https config of the server. But the second config is.
Nov 14, 2014 01:36
This is what responding on requests to https.
Nov 14, 2014 01:32
Do you see Listen 80? https config is not here... probably in httpd-ssl.conf
Nov 14, 2014 01:32
This is a config of http version of the website.
Nov 14, 2014 01:27
something is not good with config, testing
Nov 14, 2014 01:20
I was talking about images/css/js URLs
Nov 14, 2014 01:19
Ok, let me try to reproduce a problem.
Nov 14, 2014 01:18
Screenshot does not show the images URL. May be you are using full URL for them, leading to http version of the site. Because I do not see any https symbol in the address bar.
Nov 14, 2014 01:14
Also, are you sure that you are showing config of https site, not regular http version
Nov 14, 2014 01:13
Just take ip fe80::f48e:b1a2:4f75:7c9c:60260, take time Thu Nov 13 19:01:35.283620 2014 and check in access log what was requested.