Apr 14, 2020 13:22
I just want to know for my knowledge because if vb.net automatically does this it will be redundant.
Apr 14, 2020 13:20
Hi Jimi One last question.

Since List(of Images) variable is declared at the parent form as a private variable, this variable will be destroyed and GC automatically right? Do we need to specifically Dispose() the List(of Images) at the parent form closed event or not..
Apr 14, 2020 12:23
Highly appreciate....!
Apr 14, 2020 12:23
Thanks for your time and all your assistance.
Apr 14, 2020 12:18
Yes friend. Thank you. Now I understood. I first didn't understand the concept that disposing the reference will destroy my original variable List(of Images) as well.
Apr 14, 2020 11:45
is it okay to not dispose the BackgroundImage of the picturebox
Apr 14, 2020 11:44
now the error has gone
Apr 14, 2020 11:44
I erased the line

If pBox.BackgroundImage IsNot Nothing Then pBox.BackgroundImage.Dispose()
Apr 14, 2020 11:21
Parameter is not valid error is thrown at the line Dim pctImage As New PictureBox With {...} in the below code..

Private Sub addImageToList(ByVal image As Image)
        Dim flpWrap As New FlowLayoutPanel With {.Name = "flpWrap_" & flpImageContainer.Controls.Count - 1, .Width = 269, .Height = 466, .Margin = New Padding(1), .FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown}
        Dim pctImage As New PictureBox With {.BackgroundImage = image, .Width = 269, .Height = 400, .Margin = New Padding(0), .BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch}
Apr 14, 2020 11:18
PS. Attachment Uploader is enabled by ShowDialog() method and it is called by the ClickEvent of the button with text "View/Upload Attachments"..
Apr 14, 2020 11:16
Do I have to call the Dispose() in the form closing event which contains the red circled button or the popup form?
Apr 14, 2020 11:13
The button circled in red color opens this ShowDialog() window named Attachment Uploader.
Apr 14, 2020 11:12
Apr 14, 2020 11:08
Apr 14, 2020 11:07
now after closing the form and the user reopen the form the Parameter is not valid error popsup
Apr 14, 2020 11:05
I tried your code now. the loop works properly
Apr 14, 2020 10:53
oh. I understand. Did not think of that.
Apr 14, 2020 10:48
like this?
Apr 14, 2020 10:48
For Each ctrl As Control In flpImageContainer.Controls
    If TypeOf (ctrl) Is PictureBox Then
        If DirectCast(ctrl, PictureBox).BackgroundImage IsNot Nothing Then DirectCast(ctrl, PictureBox).BackgroundImage.Dispose()
    End If
Apr 14, 2020 10:47
nested forloops can be hard to read later on.
Apr 14, 2020 10:47
Since the objective is to Dispose() all the objects inside the flpImageContainer, is it ok to use the foreach loop
Apr 14, 2020 10:42
like above
Apr 14, 2020 10:42
if i use the foreach will it be wrong??
Apr 14, 2020 10:42
For Each ctrl As Control In flpImageContainer.Controls
    If TypeOf (ctrl) Is PictureBox Then
        If ctrl.BackgroundImage IsNot Nothing Then ctrl.BackgroundImage.Dispose()
    End If
Apr 14, 2020 10:39
And maybe put in a if condition to know if the typeof the ctrl is picturebox and Dispose() the BackgroundImage also
Apr 14, 2020 10:38

Foreach ctrl as Control In flpImageContainer.Controls
End For
Apr 14, 2020 10:37
If each and every control has to be disposed of why not just use a foreach loop to find all the controls and just do Dispose()
Apr 14, 2020 10:32
The flpWrap is that inner flowlayout panel
Apr 14, 2020 10:31
The reason I am having another flowlayout panel inside flpImageContainer is because each picturebox has a small remove image button below them.. the inner flowlayout panel groups the image and the button together.'
Apr 14, 2020 10:27
The controls inside the flpImageContainer is like below :

flpImageContainer -> anotherFlowLayoutPanel-> picturebox'
Apr 14, 2020 10:24
only MsgBox("2") was called..
Apr 14, 2020 10:24
the MsgBox("1") doesn't seem to get called which could mean the pBox.Dispose() also didn't happen right?
Apr 14, 2020 10:23
Apr 14, 2020 10:21
is it bad practice to overload the ShowDialog() menthod?
Apr 14, 2020 10:15
I will try this at ShowDialog() form closed event and tell you
Apr 14, 2020 10:14
Jimi at what event should I call this code?
Apr 14, 2020 09:51
As for the question regarding forms default instance. I don't know, I am reading out online on identify if I am using default instance or not. Sorry about that..!
Apr 14, 2020 09:49
The dispose is done at subform which is opened via ShowDialog()
Apr 14, 2020 09:48
I looped through to the picturebox controls and then Dispose() the backgroundImage first and then dispose the picturebox iteself.
Apr 14, 2020 09:47
Private Sub frmAttachmentUploader_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
    For Each ctrl As Object In flpImageContainer.Controls
        If Not TypeOf (ctrl) Is FlowLayoutPanel Then Continue For
End Sub
Apr 14, 2020 09:40
    Public images As New List(Of Image)

        Public Overloads Function ShowDialog(ByVal images As List(Of Images))
            If Not images Is Nothing Then
                For Each img As Object In images
                    If img Is Nothing Then Exit For
            End If
            Return Me.ShowDialog
        End Function

Private Sub addImageToList(ByVal image As Image)
        Dim flpWrap As New FlowLayoutPanel With {.Name = "flpWrap_" & flpImageContainer.Controls.Count - 1, .Width = 269, .Height = 466, .Margin = New 
Apr 14, 2020 09:32
image variable is sent to this ShowDialog() form from the parent form when calling the ShowDialog() method
Apr 14, 2020 09:32
I though posting the full code would be time consuming for you to go through'
Apr 14, 2020 09:11
Because If I dispose the backgroundimage at ShowDialog() form closing event and then re-open ShowDialog() form then the above error is thrown.
Apr 14, 2020 09:10
Do I have to dispose the background image at the parent form or at the ShowDialog form closing event.
Apr 14, 2020 09:08
Dim pctImage As New PictureBox With {.BackgroundImage = image, .Width = 269, .Height = 400, .Margin = New Padding(0), .BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch}
Apr 14, 2020 09:08
The error is thrown during form opening when running this code
Apr 14, 2020 09:08
Like you said I disposed the background image of the picture box 1st and then also disposed the relating picturebox. Then when I reopen the form this above error is thrown
Apr 14, 2020 09:07
Apr 14, 2020 08:55
Sorry to keep troubling you jimi, I disposed image like picturebox1.BackgroundImage.Dispose() at the form closed event. Now when I re-open the form which has the 3picturebox controls there is an "Parameter is not valid." exception thrown.