Roman Cheplyaka


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Jun 1, 2016 14:58
I do use std::string
Jun 1, 2016 14:58
If they are results of substr()
Jun 1, 2016 14:58
okay, but what about strings inside that vector? Those will be on the heap, right?
Jun 1, 2016 14:57
or will it get copied or something?
Jun 1, 2016 14:56
What do you mean don't use new? If I just say vector<string> myvec, then it'll be allocated on the stack and I won't be able to return it, right?
Jun 1, 2016 14:54
Good point re iterators, I'll need to read up on how to use them.
Jun 1, 2016 14:54
So, should I allocate them with new? When will they be destroyed?
Jun 1, 2016 14:51
Hi everyone. I'm trying to write a simple split functon, something like

vector<string> split(string str, string sep)

But I've no idea what the idiomatic way to manage the memory here is... Should I return a unique_ptr? What about the individual strings? Should they also be wrapped in unique_ptrs?