Web Developers

Room to discuss javascript and jquery, php and mysql issues. b...
Jun 2, 2014 05:57
for syntax that is.
Jun 2, 2014 05:56
Not a traditional cheatsheet, but I prefer these: learnxinyminutes.com/docs/php

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Jun 2, 2014 05:53
I only see appends to the DOM when the websocket gets a message.
Jun 2, 2014 05:50
@Mr.Alien, yes sorry I should have tagged :P
Jun 2, 2014 05:49
May 17, 2014 03:13
Just remove the attribute and it should work fine.
May 17, 2014 03:11
@Michael -- You have "autofocus" attribute on your #firstname input element.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
May 17, 2014 05:54
@Ufoguy -- yes.