
Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Oct 25, 2014 19:29
Hey guys, anyone using CMake here?
Jun 25, 2013 17:07
@LucDanton Why not? It is my use case...
Jun 25, 2013 17:02
@Xeo Maybe it's clearer with an example. The type is a collision body and is handled in a global list. It can be created or deleted from many source files. One of those source files is the physics module. It adds bodies to the simulation. But to to delete the bodies, they need to be detached from the simulation. Therefore I need the instance of the simulation world in the body's destructor.
Jun 25, 2013 16:56
@JerryCoffin The instance is only available in one of the source files at the moment, but destructing the types is needed in many of the source files.
Jun 25, 2013 16:55
@ThePhD The type is used in many source fields. But the needed instance is only available in one of the source files.
Jun 25, 2013 16:53
@Xeo I considered that, but would like to not circumvent my own architecture. There are many header files in my project which contain types, basically structs. In one of this types, I need an instance in the destructor.
Jun 25, 2013 16:49
Alright. My question is just how to make an instance accessible at another place in my own architecture. I think it's too special for SO because of my own architecture. Does it belong here?
Jun 25, 2013 16:45
@ThePhD Thanks, but I can't find it since the room filter doesn't show it. Have an idea where I can get the link?
Jun 25, 2013 16:43
Hello, I saw the no-helpdesk tag here. Could someone point me out to a C++ room where I can receive programming related help?
Jul 26, 2014 21:51
Alright, have a nice day!
Jul 26, 2014 21:44
Think I'll post another question about this, unless you have another idea. Thank you for your time!
Jul 26, 2014 21:43
I got your point. But since this is my learning project for Django, I'd like to learn the new version.
Jul 26, 2014 21:39
Maybe it's a bug in the pre release. On the other hand, this isn't a production environment and when I release the application, a stable 1.7 will be available.
Jul 26, 2014 21:37
I still have __get__ called with a string automatically. Do you have Python 3.4 and Django 1.7c1?
Jul 26, 2014 21:34
With your code, I get the error I had before. The if value == self.__get__(instance): check causes a lookup in instance.__dict__[self.field.name] which doesn't exist. I'll try with the validation.
Jul 26, 2014 21:29
It happens inside get_object_or_404 in if request.method == 'GET' and id: branch. I'll try your class now.
Jul 26, 2014 21:25
Okay let me see if I can narrow it down.
Jul 26, 2014 21:24
Can you reproduce that?
Jul 26, 2014 21:22
There is no error for me neither. But I put a print into the if isinstrance(value, str): branch and it triggers on every get or filter.
Jul 26, 2014 21:16
Jul 26, 2014 21:15
I only assign a string to it in update() inside views.py with setattr(customer, key, value).
Jul 26, 2014 21:15
I don't do that. It's only done by Django internally. When I query customers from the database, Python has to instantiate them and fill them with values.
Jul 26, 2014 21:11
Okay, I'll do that but since it hides the global function, this shouldn't cause any trouble.
Jul 26, 2014 21:10
The newest Django 1.7 release candidate.
Jul 26, 2014 21:09
I would expect that the if isinstrance(value, str): branch is only reached, when I manually assign a string to the attribute. However, it gets triggered by Django. This is my view.
Jul 26, 2014 21:06
By the way, I'm talking about this set function, I appended to the question.

def __set__(self, instance, value):
# If a string is used for assignment, it is used as URL
# to fetch an image from and store it on the server.
if isinstance(value, str):
response = urllib.request.urlopen(value)
image = response.read()
name = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.png'
value = ContentFile(image, name)
print('Error fetching image from', value)
super().__set__(instance, value)
Jul 26, 2014 21:05
Great. Also, thanks for the content type detection. However, I still have one problem.
Jul 26, 2014 20:59
So? :)
Jul 26, 2014 20:53
The method names got rendered as markdown, I actually meant __get__ and __set__.
Jul 26, 2014 20:53
Have you seen my update on the question? I'm not overriding get anymore. Just extending set so that it works with both files and strings.
Jul 26, 2014 20:51
Hi, thanks for helping me.
Jul 26, 2014 20:50
I got it working, but the property gets set by string unexpectedly on every access. The current code is in the question.
Jul 26, 2014 20:50
That's the property name of my model to which I attach my custom field.
Jul 26, 2014 20:50
Alright. That's not quite what I wanted. However, the line file = instance.__dict__[self.field.name] in FileDescriptor raises an error now because the field name logo is not contained in the dict.
Dec 5, 2013 09:08
Thank you, I could solve my problem with this.
Dec 4, 2013 06:45
@GuilhermeSoares It would be great if you could try to help me with that last issue. I think we're very near to the solution.
Dec 1, 2013 14:16
For example, example.com/scripts/script.js should deliver /assets/scripts/script.js. Thanks a lot for your help!
Dec 1, 2013 14:15
The server should accept two kinds of requests. On the one hand those who access the API with urls that have no dot in the last url segment (example.com/users/42). And the other hand those who access static assets with urls that have a dot in the last url segment (example.com/scripts/script.js). I want requests of the first type be sent to /index.php and requests of the second type to look for the files in /assets/.
Dec 1, 2013 02:17
So I would need something like .+\.[^/]+ to find asset requests. I think that would match urls that start with anything, include a dot, and then end with anything, but no more slashes. How would the according .htaccess look like then?
Dec 1, 2013 02:17
Alright. One last question about this. Is it possible to add the /assets/ folder as a prefix in .htaccess so that it doesn't need to be stated in the url?
Dec 1, 2013 02:17
I am not sure if I understood you right. I cannot make a rule for every url with dots. The distinction is that those non asset urls have slashes after the dots. In other words, the last url segment does only contain dots in asset urls.
Dec 1, 2013 02:17
Is there a way to dynamically change the assets directory in PHP? Anyway, I will use your solution.
Dec 1, 2013 02:17
Alright, I'll go with the .htaccess. I have one question about your example. Wouldn't it match any urls with dots inside? I don't want to match urls like example.com/path.with.dots/page. Thanks a lot for your answer!

<!Real> C++ Room

ISO<14882:2011> I have nothing to say.
Apr 2, 2013 10:05
Please tell if you are online and want to help me. My questions are about closures as already said. Thanks a lot.
Apr 2, 2013 09:30
Hello, there is a thing about closures I do not completely understand at the moment. Could someone please give me an advice?
Feb 3, 2012 17:22
Hey, it is awesome that you didn't give up. You work shows first results, fine!

Must be a logic mistake. Maybe you are using the wrong ID. (Seems that you app looks for the fabricator wich id matches the testbed primary key id instead of the fab1 id)
Jan 30, 2012 18:06
If you stuck with a specific problem tell me about that so I can help you or give you a keyword at least.
Jan 30, 2012 18:04
Taking a look into the official references (dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en and php.net/manual/en/index.php) wich also offer a introduction and small beginner tutorial.
Jan 30, 2012 18:02
Ok, what is you specific question? where did you stuck?
For learning MySQL and PHP in general there are some great tutorials. (I can't give you helpful links execpt you are speaking german.) Depending on your general programming skills and understanding you need different sources. I learnd PHP with a beginner tutorial wich told me basics from the ground. Apart from that I learnd MySQL just reading the Wikipedia article and the official documentation.
Jan 28, 2012 16:08
You tried for 1 hour? I had worked for weeks on some scripts to get them working. And I can't post the complete script because it only exists in my mind. Don't give up. Learn PHP and MySQL. I guess there are great tutorials.

If you have a SPECIAL question I will try to help you out. Bye.