Andrea Casaccia


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Sep 29, 2015 20:09
Hi guys, I don't understand this accepted answer:… Can you take a look at it and tell me if it's correct or?
Jul 24, 2015 14:28
thanks, I learned something new
Jul 24, 2015 14:28
Good, I'll think about it a little bit more then I'll update the answer hopefully for the final version
Jul 24, 2015 14:23
since typeof(magicVar) != String
Jul 24, 2015 14:22
6. and 7. doesn't apply
Jul 24, 2015 14:22
but why magicVar == 1 => Number(magicVar) == 1 ?
Jul 24, 2015 14:21
First step magicVar == true => magicVar == 1 is clear to me
Jul 24, 2015 14:21
Jul 24, 2015 14:19
@Bergi take a look at my edit, I hope I got your point. Sorry for the attitude on my first comment but I put quite some effort in writing the answer and I thought it was correct. Feel free to edit if you like.
Jul 24, 2015 14:19
@Bergi No, now I finally understand, the table is actually wrong, If an object is not typeof(Number), but behaves as a Number, the behaviour will not be consistent with that table.
Jul 24, 2015 14:19
@Bergi anyway I wouldn't say that the table is wrong, it covers the Number, String an Boolean cases. The Object case should be considered only when your Object is not a Number, String or Boolean. My citation was oversimplifying indeed.
Jul 24, 2015 14:19
@Bergi I think got your point, you are right. I'll edit my answer to be more precise.
Jul 24, 2015 14:19
@Bergi that is not an object, it's a code block. If you don't trust MDN look at the standard 7.2.12 Abstract Equality Comparison, the relevant case is point 12. Is the standard wrong aswell?
Jul 24, 2015 14:19
@rji89 when you are satisfied with one of the answers, please don't forget to accept one…
Jul 24, 2015 14:19
I have to think about it. Anyway generally speaking keep in mind that not all javascript design choices could be optimal. The language has been developed in a very short time and certainly has its flaws. I suggest you this read on the subject…