subtitles are the lyrics that you need to display when its relevant audio word is being played.. now you only need to sync that word and that audio file..
for showing lyric there are certain formats that give us time wise info that is when particular word is spoken for example: 00:00:02.120 All 00:00:02:789 I
@Surya for showing lyric while your audio file is playing, you need an .STR file.. which contains its milisecond wise word start and stop timings.. so di you have that file??
@MarJava this will do copy n paste in my app folder itself.. i want to paste it to my iphone's music library.. like we download a song from itunes and it is available in music folder..
@blue I really dnt know whats gng on.. can you tell me how to control these?? and if you are moderator, then you must be knowing how to stop these.. so guide me further.. thanx
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